Royal Green Peas Curry ! - I dont why they call it this way , perhaps because it contains thick cream to serve it with :D.
This is what I made last week and shared with you all as Tricolored Curry( I still like that name ! ) Here is the easy and quick recipe for it.
Ingredients : 1 cup fresh green peas.
1 cup tomato puree or 2-3 finely chpped tomato ,
1 medium sized onion,
1 tsp ginger garlic paste ,
2 green chillies,
1/4 tsp garam masala,
1 tsp coriander- cumin powder,
1/2 tsp turmeric powder ,
1/2 tsp red chilli powder,
1 tsp oil,
salt to taste.
coriander leaves to garnish,
thick milk cream to decorate and serve with .
Method: Chop onion , chillies and ginger - garlic , putthem in Mixture bown and grind them to fine paste.
Boil the green peas until they are soft. drain the water and keep them aside. In a kadhai take tsp oil and when it gets little warm add the onion, ginger, garlic and chilli paste to it,stir it , and cook it until the good aroma of onion fill your kitchen , it may take at most 1 minute.
Add tomato puree to it, if using chopped tomato then let it cook until it makes thick grave and then adjust water as per the desired thickness of gravy. take care to choose ripe juicy tomatoes for this .
Add green peas to it and then add turmeric powder, red chili powder, garam masala and coriander -cumin powder to it. Stir it well and then add salt. when cooked , turn off the heat and Serve when not so hot. ! while serving spread thick cream on it, and garnish with coriander leaves.

If you wish you can avoid using cream to this. I dont like cream much,I ate it without cream and that too was tasting delicios. The dish shown above went directly to Hubby ,as he is fond of Milk and milk products... as per him, this was tasting divine :D. Do try any way you like,this is a quick and tasty dish !
Now here are some entries we have for the vegetable of the Week :) .
First is from
Mythreyee of Try this recipe , sharing here her recipe to make
Green Peas Pulao .
Next is our Coffee from My khazana of recipes, with her version of a potato peas curry , which she calls -Quick fix Potato curry .Nice and quick dish from Coffee.

Our beloved
Trupti or should I say
'Trupti along with her Hubby' is here with a whole new style to make -
Ragda Patties , for which she baked patties instead of frying them , what a healthy way to enjoy this chaat food. ! :) . see, I was true when I told that you can always expect something new from Trupti :) .

Jasmine of Spice trail is also here with a completely new way of making idli with peas. Jasmine is sharing here wiht all of us Rava Idli With green peas . such a novel Idea ! 
Let us welcome Haripriya of Sweet & Spice , who is presenting her recipe here for the first time . she made a wuich tasty dish - Green Peas Curry . healthy and an ideal dish for those busy evenings. :) . A warm welcom to Haripriya to this Event. :)

Thank you all for participating here with your nice and creative ideas. I appreciate your timely efforts to participte here with .
How my blog buddies look like ? A guessing game Meme ,Started my Sra and, I am tagged By Asha... I have some imaginary images of buddies whom I visit frequently or those who are in regular touch with me. ,somehow it happens with me always, if I know something just more than little about someone then also my mind prepares image of that person in my mind and whenever I talk about that person or interact with them indirectly I have their clear image in my mind. Let me start that intresting guessing game now, I choose it to present in alphabetical order. : )
I visualize Gattina as a highly energetic and creative person with cooking . I think she loves to cook different cuisines. And some how when I think of her , I feel she must be managing everything very well, Gattina do let me know wheather I am correct with my guessing about you or not?
I think of Pavani as a very good mannered girl, as she chooses her words quite nicely in the comment (not like me : ) ) ). Also she is very neat and nice with cooking new dish. I feel like she is a self contended girl. I don’t know why , but my mind visualize her as a fair skinned , long black haired girl , Is it true about you , Pavani ?
When I think of Supriya I guess, she is a young energetic lady managing well balance between job and home duties. When I think of her I think of Seema too, and I think Supriya, Seema and Soumya are somewhere in the relation , perhaps I think it b’coz they have a common designs on their blog wiht recipe pictures. This is just a guess, Am I wrong ladies?
Still I have different image of 3 of them in my mind. I think of Supriya as a very enthusiastic and fun loving girl .Supriya I think you might be making fun out of everything , and a happy go lucky person .
Seema seems to be a self contended person and kind hearted person .I can imagine her face with a loving smile on her face, though except smile I cant guess anything else about her.
Soumya sounds very much similar to Seema to me , I don’t know why ? :D . She must be of very much helping nature. The way she publishes posts about health related article with great effort , I imagine her to be like a kind hearted doctor. I think, I am very near to correct image of your, right Soumya ?
Sra feels like very nearer to my own image to me, though I keep on guessing of what age she can be ? :D . I imagine her with sort hair(that’s just b’coz the pic in her profile is like that : ) ) , and also full of life . and I think Sra must be happy in whatever she does in her life.
Image of Swapna in my mind is of a loving Mom whose world is all around the happiness of her daughter. She cooks very well, I find her creative with cooking.
It might seems funny , as I think Suma as a lady with long black hair. Along with that I think she has nice complexion and beautiful features. My mind portraits her as a very hardworking lady around my age( I don’t know why but many of you are of around my age , that’s what my mind thinks of : )) ) , who is giving her 100% in what ever she does. (Am I correct with guessing , Suma?)
Usha also seems like of my age. I think she is a cool person , and stay calm in any mood of life .(just a guess, Usha). Also She is much family oriented girl and loves being around her loved ones that’s what I come guessing about her from her posts.
Just moved to write about Vani , and I find that she already published her pictures. Thank God, I checked her blog. Otherwise it might have turn into a big joke on me , if I would have imagined her other way : )) ,
Vani , you are quite similar to what I thought about. Looking lovely in those pics. : )
Initially I used to mixed up with Vini and Vani , now I have their clear pictures in my mind. I see Vini, as a loving lady cooking with ease in her kitchen, with smile on her face and her daughter around, just by reading her posts ,this is what my mind visualize about her. : )
I have already seen picture of Asha,Coffee, Dilipbhai,Nandita, Nidhi,Trupti and Viji. Thus, I have a perfect picture of them in my mind. : )) , Still If I will go in detail, I see Trupti as a highly active lady , who is a good student, proud and nice mother of 2, and a good wife of course. ! The more I read about Asha, the more I feel that she has all good qualities of my Mom. That’s what I come to know from her Meme. Still she is quite young than her age ,and just like a lovely friend to me ! Asha I visualize you as a dynamic personality, who becomes child with child and talks with maturity with elders. :D.
Coffee is a also a fun loving girl and little notorious in my imagination, after Sra next is Coffee who resembles in my mind to my own image : )) , though I just saw her very little pic on gmail chat, I still remember that. : ) .
Now you all when you read this , just drop a line for how much near I am with your real pictures ! Don’t be just Ghost readers, If I can imagine this much about you then Will it kill you to comment here ? :D .
Now I am tagging….
And Supriya for this.
take up this tag with your ease Girls !
(Request : Just now, I come to know that someone having blog name , is using many of Seema's recipe on his/her blog along with pictures of that too. That person has also copied some of the recipes and pictures of Supriya's. this is really ridiculous . It feels bad to know this, and this is something which should be exposed in public I think. let us all expose that blogger, we can put it on put blog just ot let others know , and at least leave a comment to that person ,so that he/she can realise what a great mistaked he /she did. I already did so. this time it is Seema and Supriya , next time it might happen witt anyone of us. )
Thanks. Have fun and enjoy Green winter. :))