Thursday, June 12, 2008

VoW- JFI "Bell Pepper " Round up

First of all apology to all whom I kept waiting for this Round Up to appear. And a big thank you dear Indira , for providing me this opportunity to host JFI and allowing me to combine it with VoW. Blogging and specially these events and round ups are something I just love to do , knowing that LOVE of mine I made some resolutions myself to follow it silently ( you know now, why I am not blogging that much now ) and surprisingly I followed it too :z . Last week was one such time where again I set up a resolution for myself to complete a certain task first before I publish this round up. And my "eager to publish this" heart made me complete that task too even faster, so I am a happy girl now while publishing this to all of you :).
And here is Round up for Bell Peppers , Really a high dose of antioxidants... :D. No more excuses to include colors in our meals now... :v... Hope you would it like as much as I do.

Bell Pepper as Soup & Starter

Bell pepper & carrot soup(absolutely no cooking required) by Asha

Besan Bell Pepper by Arundhati

Bell Pepper Salad by Revathi

Creamy Green Bell Pepper Soup by Sia

Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup by Sia

Vegetable money bag by Roma

Bell Pepper and baby corn in tomato gravy by Sharadha

Bell Pepper paneer tikka by Sheetal

red Pepper and tomato soup by Sig
Bell Peppers as Side dish

Roasted bell pepper chutney(Mirchi chi chutney) by Meera

Red pepper chutney by Cham

bell pepper Salsa by Mythreyee

Roasted red Pepper Hummused by Bhags

Bell Pepper Raspberry chutney by Maheshwari

Peperonata by Coffee
Bell Peppers as Main course (Gravy/Curry)

Dhaas Shimla Mirch by Alka Keshwani

Potato capsicum curry by Raaga

Bell peppers curry by Divya

Marcha Batata nu Shaak by Meera

Bell Pepper Bhajji Curry by Anitha Vinukumar

Mirchi chi Upasachi bhaji by Meera

Shimla mirch -Baigan bhartha by Rinku

Stuffed shimla mirch by Mansi Desai

Capsicum fry by Srivalli

Bell Pepper stir fry by Vijaya

Chakchouka by Sowmya

Capsicum in Makhani gravy by Swathi

Shimla mirch paneer bhurji by Swathi

Tandoori shimla mirchi masala by Karuna

Bell Pepper Sambhar by Radhika

Kudamilgai Poriyal by Meera

Pepper-Seitan Curry by Pavani

Quick Fiery Sambar by Jan

Capsicum onion gojju by Vani

Vegetable jalfrezi by Sheetal

Aloo capsicum by Jamie

Mixed Vegetable Curry by Jayashree

Coconut capsicum by Sita

Chili tofu fry by Nidhi

Chana capsicum by Sajila

Bell Pepper rings by Uma

Capsi Paneer curry by Lavi

Spicy kadai tofu by Rashmi

Bell pepper jeera rice by Vandana

stuffed Bell Pepper by Sajila

Bell Pepper by

Bharela Marcha(stuffed Mini Peppers) by Trupti

Chilli Mili by Aparna

Southwest Hash by Kalai

Tawa Vegetable by Me
Bell Pepper as Dinner dish/One dish Meal

Bell Pepper cheese Tartlet by Nirmala

Stuffed bell peppers by Sumathy

Capsicum rice by Ujwal

Rotini stuffed bell peppers by Ranjeetha

Bell pepper Pizza by JZ

Bell Pepper Fajita by Trupti

Mixed vegetable Sandwich by EC

Capsicum and Rice by Nanditha

Stuffed Shimla Mirch by Priya(365daysveg)

Bell Pepper Quesedilla by Supriya Natu

Rigatoni with vegetarian Bolognese sauce by Sejal

Capsicum rice by Deepz

Upma stuffed green Bell Pepper by Madhuram

Bell Pepper by Priya(the cook)

Veggie noodles by Srimathy

Thank you all for participating with such enthusiasm. I am really feeling happy to see this colorful dishes on my blog. Hugs to you all for this round up so wonderful & colorful :) .

Note : To avoid much confusion between this large number of entries , you can Vote for you favorite from the shortlisted entries using the poll widget in the side bar . Take a keen look on them first before you vote . Voting closes on 15th June 2008. So vote for them Now :).

Keep cooking & keep rocking sweating :f :O .


  1. Always take your time to do your stuff first and then blog. Hard lesson I learnt a bit late but never too late to learn! ;D
    Great round up, wonderful entries. I will be off blogging in few weeks too, summer break. Stay cool there, it's dang hot these days!:))

  2. that looks like a great colleciton of bell-pepper recipes Pooja! thanks for all your efforts!

  3. great roundup, pooja! you've done a great job in hosting this.

  4. That look like really a great collection of bell pepper recipes. ThankYou pooja. I totally forgot about this because of some works,sorry for that.

  5. Thank you so much Pooja for all the efforts to present this roundup so beautifully. A great collection of Bell Pepper Dishes. So many that we can keep on trying new dishes. Way to go!

  6. Its a really nice round-up Pooja ... and colorful too! ... Thanks :)

  7. wow..great round up..thanks for taking time to hosting wonderful event pooja..we understand your other commitments!..:)

  8. Hey, thanks for letting us know by email that the round-up is up, Pooja! Such lovely recipes! I've bookmarked this post so I can try them sometime. Great job with the round-up, Poo!
    I hope you managed ok with the really hot weather froom the past week! The AC in our office conked & people were sitting in 86 degree temps inside the office (outside it was close to a 100). But lucky me, I had the day off that day!! :) Take care now.

  9. Wonderful round up Pooja. Great work :)

  10. Great roundup!! So many recipes to try!!:-)

  11. Very good pooja... well organized round up... and wonderful recepies with the capsicum...

  12. thanks a ton for informaing pooja... and this is one roundup worth the wait...

  13. thanks for including my recipe as a guest blogger Pooja. All the recipes look so yummy.

  14. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl, u r back...:)
    and yayyyyyyyy for this wonderful round-up:) i have posted another bell pepper recipe in my blog today.

  15. Its good you set your priorties in life , hugs for that .
    such a colorful round up, my mouth is watering to see such tasty recipes.
    Thanks for letting us know about the round-up by mail....
    Great Effort
    Hugs and smiles

  16. Hi pooja,
    Thanks for all the efforts u took to organise this event and for this gr8 roundup.Now i do have a collection for cooking green bell peppers in many other ways,thanks to this roundup
    keep it up

  17. Great job Pooja! The round-up looks colourful.

  18. Awesome round-up, Pooja! Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  19. what a yummy round-up!! appreciate ur efforts!

  20. Hi Pooja, nice round up. So colorful. Viji

  21. Great Round-up Pooja! Every single dish looks wonderful. I have bookmarked so many. Thank you!

  22. Big Applause for the great round up.I think you need some days of rest,just as a reward to ths great job.

  23. Great Round up with yummy pepper dishes. Good job Pooja.. Have a nice weekend.

  24. a big applause for this lovely round up pooja...everyone has priorities in life which one needs to complete....u have done a great job orgainising all the entries..cheers to u :)

  25. Lovely recipies. Was really hard for me to vote. Now I have a stock of bell pepper recipies :)

  26. Great round up Pooja! Just voted for my favorites as well... Thanks for hosting!

  27. Great Roundup Pooja!. I always wonder what to cook with 'Bell Pepper'.. except the stuffed ones!!

    Thanks a ton!


  28. The bell pepper roundup looked like colorful fireworks display. So vibrant and lively. Thank you Pooja for the lovely Jihva roundup.

  29. Thank you all for appreciating this, in spite of little delay in publishing this. I value all your responses:) .

    You are such a sweet heart. I have seen worried in your all comments when i used to do blogging daily for Vegetable of the week in 2006-07 time . I feel so close to you when I hear such things from you . A tight big hug to you.
    Btw, it helps me to finish other tasks first when I decide to blog after finishing that only he he he.

    The pleasure is all mine. I feel proud to be a guest host of JFI. Thank you for this nice opportunity. Hugs to you.


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...