Monday, March 17, 2008

VoW -Brinjal Round Up, An award and Voting begins today for VoW-Brinjal.

Do you remember , when we were in KG classes all students have one common favorite teacher who is most affectionate and little soft hearted towards all kids . I remember , my favorite teacher in kinder garden used to protect me from a naughty boy in a class who was sitting next to me. He used to tease me by telling me that he would eat my lunch box :( . I used to complain about him to teacher and that loving lady was keeping me by her side for the rest of all time in class. I was feeling so protected and pampered by having my favorite teacher around me . Its all about her loving me which made me feel like her even more . Many times I presented her my most favorite chocolate coz I was thinking that's the only thing people on this earth loves the most :O . And she lovingly accepted it all the time , even without giving me the slightest idea that the chocolate is the not something everyone likes the most :p.

Well, not always we are lucky enough to have such nice people around us, but if they are somewhere around , I feel myself lucky and protected too. Asha, is one such lady :k. I can see , everyone loves her the same way and I am not an exception to that. Above that she is a great fan of Eggplant/brinjal and that inspired me to give her something special for with this VoW -Brinjal round up :). I would love to dedicate this round up to her and this little gift is for you lovely Asha.

With this round up of the VoW -Brinjal I would also like to announce some new features which will be a part of all the events from now on .They are Awards - just a token of your achievement , creativity and presentation. All you have to do is to leave vote for your favorite entry from the round up,specifying for which category you are voting.
Comment section will be moderated till the last date of voting . Voting will start from the date of round up to one week after that .(i.e. For this week it will start from today that is 17th march to march 24 . ) Results will be declared in the next week . ) And the winners will be presented a nice logo as a symbol of their creativity in cooking.
The award will be presented in 3 categories, one for each.

  1. The most Creative recipe

  2. The most Authentic recipe / Traditional recipe

  3. The best presented recipe( by picture shown here).

You can Start voting for it from now ,Please mention for which category you are voting. Those comments will not be displayed for now till 24th . To display or hide your identity while voting is your choice.

Now , without taking much of your time , the round up is here for you all...

Eggplant as Starter &Soup
Mirch baingan by Asha
Eggplant fry by Divya
Beguni by Swati
Spicy chickpeas in eggplant "purse" by Gattina ( Not only recipe ,Check it out for her wonderful photography too )
Brinjal Fry by Mythreyee
Vaingan Bhajjille by Nanditha
Eggplant Salad by Swapna
Mediterranean Eggplant Soup by Pooja
Eggplant as Side dish
Brinjal Raita by Cham.
Eggplant cream by Chriesi
Vankaya Tomato Pachchadi by Suma
Baba ghanoshu By dhivya K

Eggplant as Main course(Gravy/curry)
Stuffed Brinjal by Rupa
Brinjal curry by Divya
Kathrikai Puli by Jayashree
Brinjal Gothsu By Vandana
Gutti Vanakaya koora by Laavanya.
Brijnal Bhajji by Usha
Badane ennegai by Sia
Brinjal curry with peanuts by Dhivya
Khandeshi Vangyache Bharit by Meera
Badane Masala by Sushma
Exquisite eggplant by Uma
Brinjal Daal by Lavanya
Bagara Baingan by Trupti
Ringan Bateka Methi Tuver nu Shaak by MS
Floating Brinjals by Anu
Eggplant Potato curry by Kalai
Kathrikai pitla by Sowmya
Kathrikai pitla curry by Deepa
Fried Brinjals by Bhawana
Brinjal Masala by Rina
Ringan Methi nu Shaak(eggplant- fenugreek leaves curry) by Pooja
Chana Baingan curry by Pooja
Spicy spring onion with eggplant by Pooja
Quick Baingan with Coriander by Pooja
Baingan Bhartha(Ringana no olo) by Pooja
Brinjal coriander leaves curry by Mythreyee
Grilled eggplant curry by Madhushree
Eggplant fry by Sudha

Eggplant as Dinner dish/One dish Meal with Eggplant
Vangi Bhat By archy.
Katrikaai (brinjal) Rice By EC.
Eggplant parmigiana By Saswati
Eggplant parmesan with penne By Ranjeetha
Sichuan Aubergine By Zlamushka
Eggplant parmesan By HC
Eggplant Pizza By Pooja

Next Vegetable of the week is Bitter gourd, last date for which is 15th April 2008. I will post the logo for VoW- Bitter gourd and badges for the winner for " VoW - Brinjal " in a day or two.

Keep on voting ends on 24th march 2008 . Vote for your favorite entry without missing category for which you are voting. Have happy week ahead, will get back to you soon. Till then have a happy time, enjoy the round up , and Bitter gourd lovers be ready to cook something nice again :) .

Kajal who is famous for her recipes with step by step pics , sent me this pictures few days back , with the idea that I would like to see this and told me that with her busy schedule she cant make it to participate in this month but she remembered to click this wonderful pic for all of us , when she visited a Farm last week and saw this. That's so lovely of you Kajal :) . Thanks a lot for sharing it. (Click on the Image for large view. )


  1. My vote for presentation goes to Spicy chickpeas in eggplant "purse" by Gattina. Great picture.

  2. Lovely roundup with so many eggplant recipes..

  3. hi pooja!!!
    great to see so many entries...eagerly looking fwd to seeing the winner:)


  4. That was an excellent roundup pooja..Thanks a lot..

  5. Very nice round up……….Pooja. Lots of new special dishes....:)
    Asha Pooja words are perfect for you. I am also approving with Pooja. You are really very supportive Lady.:)

  6. hey hi dear!!karela!! we don't get karelas in Moscow:(( I am out.well regarding my votes for the starters and soup category the best presented recipe goes to Gattina for her chickpeas in eggplant purse,in the one dish meal category the most creative recipe is Eggplant pizza by you,in the side dish category the most traditional one according to me is Babaghanoush by DK...these 3 are my favourites:)

  7. Pooja, I really enjoy reading this round-up! Never imagine eggplant able to prepare in so many different ways! All the entries are absolutely fabulous, can't wait to try some (yes, your eggplant pizza already in!) recipes. I surely will keep coming back for this post as everyone's dish look so wonderful; it is very difficult to cast a vote :)
    ps... btw, bitter gourd is one of my favorite veg. Really hope the asian stores in my area sell it, I will check it out.

  8. Pooja, thks for the lovely round up! All brinjis under one roof! I know where to turn to now for nice baingani recipesss!

  9. oh wow... thats a nice tribute to ashakka pooja:) and wonderful round up too... its kind of difficult to choose just 3 from this lovely array of brinjals. so i'll come back later n see if i can make up my mind;)

  10. Everything looks so delicious that voting is quite difficult!
    1. Most creative: I think I have to cast that vote for your eggplant soup, Pooja. I had never thought of making a soup with eggplant.
    2. Traditional recipe: Suma's delicious vankaya-tomato pachadi is something I would love to try soon.
    3. Best presented: Zlamushka's sichuan eggplant made me drool with that gorgeous picture.

  11. Hugs to you my lil sister!! I am really honored and appreciated by the lovely award, thank you so much. A pleasant surprise just before I leave, makes me happy! Hugs to you and see in May!:)
    I will vote in separate comment, you can publish this as my thanks to you. I will miss you, take care and good luck with with whatever you do!:)

  12. I am assuming we can't vote for our own dishes!!:D

    Most creative..Chana Baingan Pooja (never used that combo!)

    Most authentic..Suma with Vankaya Pachadi

    Best presented...Gattina, of course!:D

  13. EC, Ranji, Dhivya ,
    Thanks buddy :).Feels good to hear that from you all. Cast your vote for those 3 categories, I am looking fwd to that. Do it soon. :D.

    So nice to read your comment after a long time. I just forgot to show that farm fresh eggplant pic you sent me, will update it here soon. And hey vote for some nice entries around here. We would love to hear your views for them.

    I am glad that you liked it. Still I would have loved to know whom you are voting for those 3 categories, coz that must be interesting to know by YOU :) . I really hope that you will get bitter gourd there, coz i just don't want to miss those lovely pics of your recipe :D.

    Thank you dear. Why didnt you voted.

    What ever you do for Asha , It's small considering how nice she is, Isn't it, true ? And hey , you better make up your mind for voting or I will give you a hard punch , Will send no more hugs to you then :)).

    No the turn is mine.I am honored to have you around, I thought of dedicating this to you already 2 week ago, as I was seeing you leaving comment to every participants that you are eagerly waiting for round up , and I know a huge brinjal fan you are . So to make your most awaited round up just a click away from you , I though to present it to you . Will send you this award and the code for that , Hope that will be easy for you to come and check out this round up anytime by a single click :) . Have a lovely vacation and when you are on vacation don't miss any of us. Just enjoy the beach time, and I am sure you will catch some beautiful colored pic for all of us from there :) .
    Hugs to you .

  14. Nicely done, Pooja! Just in time too. I have not cooked with brinjalS in a very long time 'cos this is one veggie that I don't like, but I bought a few of these recently. I am going to come here for some ideas.:-)

  15. The most Creative recipe- Pooja for Mediterranean Eggplant soup
    The most Authentic recipe - Sia
    The best presented recipe- Gattina

  16. Hey pooja, great round up.I appreciate the effort youve taken to categorize the entries.Otherwise the whole set of recipes becomes difficult to sort through. I really appreciate Ashas encouragement - makes the effort seem worthwhile. So kudos for dedicating this event to her. I will leave my vote in a separate comment.

  17. Wow, that was a lovely roundup, Pooja! Great effort.

  18. Hi pooja, heres my vote

    Creative Recipe: Spicy chickpeas in eggplant "purse" by Gattina
    Authentic Recipe: Sichuan Aubergine By Zlamushka
    Best Picture:Badane ennegai by Sia

    I like this voting and award part, cant wait to see the winners.


  19. Very apt award for Asha. She is really there for everyone.
    Beautiful round up, dear!

  20. lovely roundup pooja:)eagerly looking fwd to seeing the winner:)

  21. Such a yummy round up Pooja.. they all look very tempting.

  22. The best presented recipe - Vankaya Tomato Pachchadi by Suma

    The most Authentic recipe / Traditional recipe - Floating Brinjals by Anu

    The most Creative recipe - Eggplant Pizza By Pooja

    Thanks pooja for the nice concept:))

  23. most creative - gattina

    best pic - sia

  24. Wonderful round up - Asha is great supporter :) She deserves such award Pooja, Voting, will be hard ... I love Brinjal and those lovely entries ... I will make up my mind and vote soon.... Great work and wish more events to participate...

  25. Wonderful round-up Pooja! So sweet of you to dedicate this to Ashakka. She really does seem to be superwoman among us! Kudos to her! Thanks to everyone for contributing so many wonderful dishes! :)

  26. My votes:

    Best presented - Gattina
    Most Creative - Cham
    Most authentic - Sia

    Can't wait to see the results!

  27. Never thot one can cook so many things with brinjals...
    A beautiful round up Pooja !!

  28. Hi Pooja, didn't buy any brinjals till yesterday, so couldn't participate, and won't be buying any bittergourd either! :) Hope to take part later, though!

  29. Oh this is nice round-up..i missed this event..will come up next VOW bitter gourd.

  30. Beautiful and clear round up! and to think u needed Help for that? :)
    And That was a beautiful ode to the queen. Its really so hard to find a special place in everyone's heart, but Asha has done it with full force :) Wonderful of you to acknowledge the same and oh is a difficult task that U put to all of us! I luvd almost all of them! Oh well need to think!

    Bitterguard! OHHHHH :( I never buy them :( well now guess I have to..lemme see!

  31. Thats one lovely roundup Pooja.. and Ashaji is a wonderful soul and she truly deserves the award..:D.. tc n cya


  32. Wow.. Lovely round up Pooja.. with a surprise present to Asha. Who is always a sweet heart..
    Hmm.. really amazing to see ur award dear !! But difficult to choose only 3.. hmm.. :D !! will come back to vote..

  33. that is one brinjal lovers delight, Pooja!

  34. Lovely roundup with categories, which makes it easy to choose from. Count me in for bittergourd too.

  35. Voting

    Exquisite eggplant by Uma- Most creative
    Kathrikai Pitla by Sowmya - Traditional
    Floating brinjals by Anu- Best presented

  36. Lovely round-up pooja... Too many recipes to try with brinjal...

  37. Thats a lovely round up..
    Yes, Asha is definitely a inspiration and keeps a personal touch with even new bloggers like me..

  38. What a great idea of awards and motivation to keep us foodie bloggers thinking outside the box. Wonderful recipes for eggplant btw :o)

  39. A noteworthy post Pooja. You have got a creative talent to encourag everyone - not only new comers but also others. Hats off to you. Lovely round up. Many beautiful creations. Viji

  40. Pooja My choice - The most creative goes to Piza, the most authentic goes to Sia, and the well presented goes to Dhivya.Viji

  41. i second all the above comments....

  42. Hey Pooja,
    I made my version of your Ringan Methi nu Shaak using a few small brinjals and frozen methi. It was really good...and I don't even like brinjals!
    Thanks so much for the recipe.:)

  43. Hi pooja, nice to see this event, how do i vote here? I tried clicking on the link to the recipes, and it takes me to their blog, where do i click?

  44. TBC,
    I am glad that this is being helpful to you . Thanks for trying methi Baingan and letting me know that . For me methi baingan is like a pot of gold :) . I love it sooooo much :D .

    MS, Jayashree,
    I am glad that you liked my idea to round up category wise, hope that will helpful to others too . Yeah , all efforts seems worth when someone appreciates it.Asha is such a nurturing lady , she encourages all the same way with great effort.
    thansk for your vote too :)

    Cham & Archy,
    hmmm, will wait for you to come back and drop your vote ... otherwise the same warning is for you which i left for Sia :)).

    You are so sweet to say that dear :) .
    thanks for your vote.

    Swati ,
    that's why this event is for. I see it as virtual get together of all dishes from lovley bloggers around :) . Do cast your vote too...

    Np buddy , be a part when you can .:) . Still you can vote here , hope you will do it soon.

    Sure , will look fwd to your participation with Bitter gourd.

    Thank you :) . Come back soon to drop your vote , no matter how lovely you find each entry , you can still find "loviest"
    among all :D , can't you ?

    Uma,Meera , dhivya, Laavanya,
    Siri, Richa, Prema, Anusriram, Sowmya, Anuzi, Nanditha,
    Thanks for your appreciations buddies.
    Why don't you vote for deserving entry . That will be a good help to decide winners.

    Oh you make me feel on cloud 9 with your inspiring comment everytime :) . thank you :) . Thanks for your vote too :) .

    Once again
    Mythreyee, Saswati, Nupur, Asha, Kajal , Dhivya, Bee , Kalai , JAyasree and Viji thanks for your voting , I was little skeptical about how the things about voting will go , but you really made me feel good with your voting comments :)

  45. Roopa,
    All you have to do is - leave your vote in a comment here specifying the category for which you you vote for participant. That will be moderated till 24th , will publish all voting comment together on 24th.

  46. Here you go my vote go:

    1.The most Creative recipe:Eggplant Pizza By Pooja (is there anyone in competition list, may be thinking "out Of the Box" . U r the No 1 for Creativity ( Category:one dish meal)

    2.The most Authentic recipe / Traditional recipe:Badane ennegai by Sia (category: main course)

    3.The best presented recipe( by picture shown here)
    Spicy chickpeas in eggplant "purse" by Gattina - (Category Starter & Soup)(Awesome presentation)

  47. Lovely roundup Pooja..hard to choose the winners i guess..

  48. These are my votes Pooja..

    Most creative - Eggplant salad by Swapna

    Most Authentic - Stuffed brinjal by Roopa

    Best presented - Gattina

  49. here goes my votes .. though i am not sure whether i have done justice
    1. creative recipe- brinjal coriander leaves dish by mythreyee
    2.authentic recipe badane ennagai by sia presented - vankaya tomato by suma

  50. Here my vote... Thanks for reminding :) !!

    1. Most creative - Meditarrean Eggplant Soup Pooja.
    2. Traditional - Badane Ayengai Sia.
    3. Best picture - Eggplant Pizza Pooja.

  51. Hi Pooja, I am voting for Ranji's Eggplant Parmesan :) Thanks for the info Pooja:)

  52. Hi Pooja, i think I forgot to cast my vote forgetting which section to vote for, can we vote for more than one in each category?:

    The best presented recipe:Ranji's Kitchen Corner,Brinjal curry with peanuts by Dhivya,Eggplant fry by Sudha

    Most Authentic /Traditional Recipe: Eggplant Parmesan -Ranji's Kitchen Corner, Eggplant Pizza by Pooja

    Most Creative Recipe: Eggplant Salad by Swapna,Brinjal coriander leaves curry by Mythreyee

  53. voting for Vow

    Most creative-Eggplant pizza Pooja

    Authentic-Beguni by Saswati

    Best presented- Gattina for spicy chickpeas in eggplant purse ...

    Its tough for me to choose particular ,as all dishes are so lovely and the efforts are commendable ..
    awesome entries for Vow Brinjal ..
    big round of applause to all of you friends..
    Pooja thanks for hosting a wonderful event like this ...
    hugs and smiles

  54. Hi Pooja! Great round up.
    I agree with you, Asha is really a lovely and friendly lady.

  55. 1.The most Creative recipe: Vankaya Tomato Pachchadi by Suma

    2.The most Authentic recipe / Traditional recipe: Ringan Methi nu Shaak(eggplant- fenugreek leaves curry) by Pooja

    3.The best presented recipe: Spicy chickpeas in eggplant "purse" by Gattina

  56. Cham for Brinjal was so different and picture was tempting me.

    my second choice would be asha's.

  57. I have not been able to visit you for some time. For some reason it was taking a long time to load.

    Boy, am I glad that i patiently waited till the site loaded today :) What a fantastic round up for something like brinjal

  58. Hey amazing concept, but :( i missed it... congrats to all the winners, i am a newbir into foodblogging..for all you frens here are my brinjal recipes..

  59. great concept .. i missed it...
    well am a newbie into blogging..
    please check my eggplant recipes and drop i your feedbacks.

  60. Cham,Divya,Nanditha, Archy, Roopa, Jaya ,Sia ,
    Thanks for your voting buddy. Now you deserve a hug from me :D .

    next time you vote please mention category to it, it confuses me otherwise.

    I know you were not keeping well with health , I hope you must be better now. something for RCI-Bengal is coming soon from me to you :).

    Well, I might have included it if you could send it b4 deadline. now its too late. next time send it on time , all events for VoW end on 15th of each month.

  61. What's your e-mail id? Am not able to find it....I have an entry for VOW-bittergourd.

  62. Jayashree,
    check out the logo in the side bar for "VoW BitterGourd" and clicking on it will show you the rules and participating details . Also in the latest post I have given the link to the same. Hope this will be helpful.


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...