Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And the Award Goes to .....

I started the idea of awarding the recipes , because I was feeling that such wonderful creation should not go unnoticed . Also I see so many variation and creativity with cooking, presenting and describing the recipes which basically inspired me for the idea of awarding recipes. Cooking is an art and as just one category was not enough to judge it , I basically choose 3 to have winners with. It was my first experience with voting and awarding , I was little skeptical about the response . But all of you made it success , though some choose to don't vote, I don't know why ? I genuinely hope that from now on you will not forget to vote with the roundup comment section.

Without taking much of your time, Here are the Winners...

The best Presented Recipe

Most Authentic Recipe
Most creative Recipe
Well, for first two categories we didn't had any tough competition ,as the winners got fairly high votes then their competitors . For third category many of your voted for different dishes made by me, and I think, Mediterranean Eggplant soup is the deserving among them. I was reluctant to award myself for this competition, but as the rule says the most voted should be winner
, in future my recipes will be excluded from the competitions, somehow I find it little awkward :D and funny :p too , to award my own recipes. After all I started this award things to spread this word of love for you and your talent so you deserve it the most. Also I never thought you might be liking my recipes to this extend ;) , otherwise I might have thought of making that rule earlier . I am proud to get this place in your heart ,and I will try to keep this blog alive up to your expectations.

Thank you all , and a big round of applause :~ for all the winners including me :D .

Check out rules of VoW-Bittergourd and logo here. The last date for which is 15th April 2008. Send your entries soon ,and make your heart sweet with bitter gourd :) .

Did you check this lovely pink color of my drink :p???


  1. Congratulations to all winners..thanks for organising these events

  2. wonderful idea pooja:)congrats to the winners...

  3. wow, wow, wonderful Pooja! Don't feel awkward! You deserve that award. And congrats to you and the other winners too. Time for celebration.

    I will try to participate in the bittergourd event too.

  4. Congrats Pooja 4 the award...

  5. Congrats to all the winners

  6. A big round of applause to the winners! Enjoy the award too Pooja, you deserve it girl!

  7. Congrats to all winners. Hey Pooja, i thought ur entries are not be included for voting. Else my vote is for u for all 3. You deserve it. All dishes were lovely and well presented.

  8. congrats to all the winner..nice event..

  9. Lovely idea and lovely dishes too..congrats to all winners...and kudos pooja for organising this event!

  10. Congratulations to all the winners including you:) your ideas:)

  11. Congrats to all the winners! Pooja, you sure lived up to your blog's title! :)

  12. Congratulations to all the winners and three cheers to Pooja..Hurray!!!

    Sorry dear for not voting this time :D..

    Gattina's presentation was very eye catching... Good work Gattina!!

  13. Thats a gr8 thought pooja, congrats to all the winners.

  14. that was a nice round up and congratulations to all the winners:)..great event pooja....cheers to u!!

  15. Kudos to you pooja for being such a gracious hostess and for winning one of the awards as well. I wish there was some way to use the Blogger Poll widget for voting - might be easier for you.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

  16. Congrats to all the winners and to you too for hosting this unique event.

  17. oh wow, did i really win that cool award!!! thank you pooja for hosting this event with my most fav veggie and also thanks to all the people who voted for me:) congrats to u and gattina:) and hey girl, you seriously dont have to feel awkward for getting the proze coz that soup truely deserved an award in creativity dept:)

  18. Wonderful event Pooja! and winners each mightily deserve it. Pat on the back for the wonderful event you have going.

  19. Trupti, Dhivya,Cham,EC,Sowmya,Srivalli, Saswati , Nanditha,Anjali,Ranji, Laavanya,
    Thank you all lovely ladies, your words are such an encouragement to me . I am glad that you liked and enjoyed it. I hope you will be same supportive for the good work of this blog. hugs to you all.

    You words touched my heart. I really still feel it awkward to award myself :)), it really sounds funny to me :D. Well, with buddies like you around It helps to make my mind to enjoy the award :). thank you Uma. Will look fed to your bitter gourd entry .

    Red chillies,
    Thanks for your wishes... you made my day with your words :) .

    Dont make me feel more shy even... I really dont intend to be a part of that now. hope to see you around :). Stay tuned...

    That's the highest credit you all lovely buddies give to me and my work. I will really try to keep it the same in future too . Thank for your support always :)

    Three cheers for me !!! Wow... somebody please put your hands together and celebrate this :) .
    I hope you will keep voting now on...
    Gattina is always such good with her presentations, check out her blog for that. each dish you will find better than other one .

    That is really a nice idea, why didn't it clicked to me earlier. Well, I will see if I can manage to put all the participants with that, as the options for that will be too many , I really have to check if it works .
    Thanks a lot for this suggestion & your wishes too.

    You are such a sweetheart always :) . Well, I hope you like that award i created for you . Havent got any expertise in graphics yet ;) . Thank you for appreciating my soup too. Your words means so much to me , ever since the initial posts of my blog :). Now all hugs are for you Sweetie :).

    I would have liked if you could vote for some of your choice. Thanks for your nice words , its always an encouragement :) .

  20. congrats to all the winners !!
    Lovely pooja !! All deserve it :) !!

  21. Heart-felt congrats to Pooja and Sia as well!
    Thanks for all your support, it is very honourable to get your votes and the award. Pooja, thank you for making VoW so special! I really enjoyed in participating the event.

  22. pooja, I have sent my entry for VOW..bitter..check and let me know..

  23. Wow wow wow.. Which planet was I in ?

    I am disappointed I missed out participating in an event featuring my favourtie veggie... But I got so many to try !!

    This week we did not buy for bittergourd - so will wait for your next veggie...

  24. Congrats to all the winners. Very nicely organized, Pooja! Great job!!
    I am still hunting for the bittergourds, yaar! no luck yet!:-(

  25. Bittergourd, huh? That's a challenge. Now you have me thinking ...

  26. Congratulations to all the winners. :)

  27. Archy, Gattina, chriesi,
    Thanks for the wishes... and now onwards don't forget to vote for the entries you like .

    thanks for letting me know, I have got it :) .

    lady with nice name ... that's how I called you a year ago or so , right ? I really like your name too much . And glad to see your comment here today :) .
    May be you didn't checked that this is a monthly event now , so for bitter gourd its 15th April as last date to submit your dish with bitter gourd.
    and for Brinjals, yeah I think we missed a winning entry from you :( .
    How about subscribing to rss , so that it will keep you updates with the ongoing things . Just a suggestion .

    Thank you :) .It is such an encouragement to hear it fro ma friend like you . going to post about arusuvai chain today with ingredients you sent, it's a secret don't let others know what it was ;) .
    Don't worry if you can't get it, do it if its easily possible . if you have any dish with that already posted you can send that too.

    Oh come on, for a creative mind like you there is no challenge with any cooking,I know that . Just waiting to see what you come up with :)

  28. Yes, already posted recipe is my fallback plan for the bittergourd event. But wanted to try a lovely, new recipe!! Let's see. There are still 14 more days. hopefully, I will be able to find a bittergourd!!


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...