Monday, January 14, 2008

"Vegetable Of The Week" & "Theme of The Week" is Back !!!

Hey buddies...

For all those old blog buddies around and many many new bloggers too,

"Vegetable of the week" & " Theme of the week" is back with its participation rules and different Theme or Veggie selection each time .

If you are a old blogger probably you already knew it, and for new bloggers you can search with the key word - Vegetable of the week and/or Theme of the week in this blog.

Theme of the week - Orange,White and Green
For this Month we have theme suitable to Republic day of India. Last year we had the same theme for 26th Jan 2007, this year we are back with some modifications in participation rules.


Post any recipe, Cook anything with 3 colors of flag of India. (Orange , White and Green – you can cook dish finally resulting in any of these 3 colors / any single color / all of 3 , some variation in color of final dish is perfectly OK . :))

Create anything having combination of 3 colors. i.e. you can just catch a picture of array of vegetables/birds/flowers having these 3 colors, or click anything else like say 3 scarves of these 3 colors, or anything you can imagine from your side.

Share anything you would like to share about Indian history / freedom fighter / anything about our great nation.

For all non-blogger, if you wish to participate then you can directly send your entries with all the write up and picture to me in email, along with your name . it happened many times with this blog in past that non-bloggers have participated with the same enthusiasm and equally good entries, so if you don't have a blog yet, no worries.... just be ready to compose your email and send the entries to me with proper details and name :D.

Your entries should reach me on or before 26th January 2008. Link your post to this site, that will help me retrieve your entries from Technorati. It would be nice if you can put the logo above of this event to your relevant post.
Send your entries to me on along with the subject line as "theme of the week - Orange,white and green ", and the picture you want to participate , along with the dish/post name and URL.
The rules are same as it was last year except the third one , for details of last year click here .
If you are a new blogger (i.e. less than one year old on blog world, or new to this blog) you can check the last year round up for this theme here . I am sure you will get many better ideas from the round up last year,and don't forget if you have anything much interesting to share about India with all of us.
You can send as many entries as you wish. If you have anything already suitable to this event posted on your blog , you can also send that along with your at least one new entry.
So Let's all get together virtually and celebrate the spirit of freedom of India, with all our zeal and zest, we might be in different part of the world, still we miss India, lets show our enthusiasm the way we can. I remember last year it happened that one blogger friend participated in spite of her illness, and I am proud to say that even my non-Indian friend was there to celebrate our spirit of freedom.
My beloved Non-Indian friends are also welcome to be a part of this event and celebrate our spirit.
So what are you waiting for ???
Open your fridge, check out what you have, put your thinking cap on and start thinking. As I am writing this , I can visualize fenugreek, carrot, peas,bell peppers, coriander, spinach , white radish , mung sprout and some left over masoor dal of my fridge right now :)), and the ideas of combining them comes to my mind like a flood :)) , well that's really a problem with me :)) . If you think little bit more for real, there are many option you can come up with , I am all eager to see how all of us do participation with this theme with your creativity. Share your ideas and be a part of this nice celebration.
And hey, don't forget that it is not only limited to only cooking this time. :) .
I will keep on posting my enteries up to 26th Jan on this blog , To get more ideas stay tuned to this blog and enjoy your days ahead.....
(P.S. -If you have any queries regarding the rules I posted here, don't hesitate to reach me on . I will reply you back as soon as I can. )


  1. Thanks Pooja for sharing. But I won't be able to participate, some problems at home.

  2. Nice theme Pooja. I am very happy to see the event back here. Saw your henna designs. Very nice. Kaju katli is tempting to grab. Wishing you all good luck. Viji

  3. hey girl, u r back with a bang:) will see if i can participate in ur event.
    one suggestion poo, can you make your vegetable of the week as a monthly event? coz there r so many blog events going on and it will be little difficult to cook and post a vegetable dish every week. if everyone is okay with weekly event then just ignore this comment;)
    tc girl. will mail u as soon as i get some break:)

  4. I agree with Sia, too hard to cook and contribute every week, monthly would be great. But we can always choose which week we can or can not contribute of course.
    I remember last year's, it was so good. I will try and see if I can. Good to see you back Pooja!:)

  5. Will try to send you something.

  6. Harekrishnai,
    It's ok. Do it if you can do it easily. Though I loved it when you participated last tiem with 3 enteries... :) . Hope everything is Ok with you there. Take care.

    Nice to see your comment here, Thanks for all your appreciations.
    It feels good when old blogger friends drop by in spite of their busy schedules. I hope life is al lwell that end. WIll write you an email some time.

    Sia and Asha,
    Yeah, Vegetable of the week is now going to be monthly , I already decided that but didn't posted those details on here yet, it will end on 15th of every momth. As currently it is Theme of the week , which is mostly real event based , so can't decide time frame for that.
    btw, Next Theme is also finalized , if you remember the same as we had last year :D. One more thing, I can't ignore your words even if I wish to :), so just be as you are your words mean too much to me old buddies... Hugs to both of you ... enjoy your days ahead...

    Happy cook,
    I visited your blog recently , and saw many creative dishes around there, you have good blog there, I dropped a comment too , right ?
    I am eager to see what you can come up with for this Theme. I am expecting somethign really creative from yourside. Stay tuned...


  7. ah, so you're back in action, good going, Pooja!

  8. Sra ,
    yeah Sra, thinking tht it wqas too long break though :)) . Now back on blog :) .

  9. Vegetable of the month is such a great idea Pooja. Would love to participate. Thanks for ur comment.

  10. Vimmi
    Currently it is Theme not veggie , so hope you can get the idea what it is about. Wil lwait for your entry then :) .
    Stay tuned dear...

  11. wow, that sure sounds like a colorful and fitting theme Pooja! I'll see what I can dish up:)

    btw, I'm hosting a game Night event on my blog if you ahven't checked it already, do take a moment and send in a delicious entry:)

  12. Mansi,
    Can't wait to see your creation. :)
    I just checked your blog from richa's .You have a wonderful blog. I was thinking the same , let me think on what cna i come up with , or i think i already have something suitable for the event in my past blog posts.
    thanks for dropping by .

  13. Hi Dear Pooja,

    Nice to see you back with the golden veggie theme....republic theme is really wonderful idea....

    Surely will call you &get my doubts rectify dear,,,,,as your post on katri itself was very clear..i started with confidence....may be i should have called you once before preparing....Thanks alot buddy.

  14. Hi Pooja,
    Thank you for your prayers. I really apreciate it and hope my little grandson will be well.

    You are very creative in cooking and in popularization your great country.
    I love India and know little bit more now about India through friends from India. I'd like to celebrate the spirit of freedom of India and I'll be try to do something with three colors.

    All the best to you!

  15. I have a new blog, now. Click on my name.-
    "Staying young and healty".

  16. Hi Pooja
    Good to see you dropping by my blog site. You blog site is a revelation in terms of content and varied information. Well, I am working on a wedding cake, so let me see if i qualify for the the three tri-clours.

  17. Hi pooja, you are indeed very creative. love the henna designs plus you have some yummy recipes out here. I will try to participate in this event. Thanks for coming by.

  18. Hi Puja
    Just came across your blog through Siri's. I am novice cook and also fairly new at the foodie blogging world while trying to meet many of you as often as I can. I just wanted to say What an awesome idea and great way to celebrate India's republic day. will definitely try to participate and send something in. Also can it be 3 separate dishes but plated like the flag?
    my blog is at:
    Hope to talk more lady!

  19. Ohh I also added your blog as a link in foodie blog section :o)

  20. Usha,
    It is always nice to see the old bloggers around, feels like meeting a schoolfriend after years... :D.
    I knew that you would be very happy to hear the come back of this themes . Looking fwd to get your entry asap.
    take care buddy.

    Don't worry dear, Kevin will be OK. He is so cute and nice , nothing will go wrong dear.
    I am glad to know that you love INDIA , we Indians are obliged, It would be great to get entry fro myou .You truly going to be an idol od Unity :) .
    Keep posting about your ides & Kevin, Ijust visited your new blog too , its good too.

    Your site is such a good place for cake lovers, i wonder how didn't i dropped there till now ?
    You can send anything with any of 3 colors too. not necessarily with all 3 colors.

    Thanks for appreciating my work here.
    I am waiting to see what you can come up with ,
    Stay tuned buddy....

    I am glad that you landed to this blog :) .
    We celebrated rupublic day the same way last year too dear!
    you can send anything you wish to, with any of 3 colors or all 3 colors, if any more confusion you can ask me here or on email too.
    Not only recipe you can share anything with tri colors or any thing about Indian history.
    hope to hear more from you.


  21. pooja..what a fun idea!! i will definately participate...

  22. Rajitha
    Glad to know that !
    I am sure there are many options you can participate it , and yeah entry is not limited to 1 for 1 blogger, so you can participate with as many as you wish.

  23. Great idea, Pooja! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. As a new blogger, it is so great to have this kind of encouragement! Will definitely try to participate in this event.


  24. Kalai,
    You are welcome sweets ! :).
    Do let me know if you need any help with anything with blogging.
    Will look forward to your participation. Also spread this word among other blog friends if you can, I wish to gather as many as possible Indian bloggers around.
    Stay tuned..


  25. Pooja:
    You are so sweet to add me on to your blogroll. I was nervous trying to break into this tight knit foodie blogging community but after your encouraging words and action (of updating me to your roll) I must say...I cant wait to cook up storm!
    Thanks much!

  26. Anuzi,
    You are welcome dear !
    I am happy that I am being some help to you. Now wwhen your spirits are so high , Let us show some storms of your talents :) . I will be always here for you and others like you .
    Now once I am active on this blog again, there is no stopping , theme of the week and vegetable of the week will be ongoing events now, so stay tuned and you will enjoy it more.

  27. hi pooja,i might as well pitch in this seems interesting... thanks for stopping by and dropping your comments dear

  28. Hi, Pooja.. Such a nice theme.. went through last year round up.. Wonderful entries.. this will be my first entry to ur event.. Shall try to make something good.. :) !! i knw its difficult :( !! let me try !!

  29. this is surely an awesome event :)will try and cook up something!

  30. Hi pooja,
    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog. Many more thanx since I could get to know abt ur wonderful blog. Shall keep visiting your blog.

  31. Nanditha,
    You are most welcome :) . Will look fwd to get your entery, dont forget the deadline is 26th , so if possible post it and send it by 25th. Thanks.

    Archana ,
    I visited your blog ,For a creative person like you it should not be difficult at all . And good that you saw last year's round up, you must have many ideas now, right ? I am eagerly waiting for your first ever entry in my event :) .

    Nags ,
    Thanks you :) , als oyou can send as man yyo uwish to along with your at least one new entry.

    Thats how this blog matrix works :)). Stay tuned Buddy :) .

  32. Hi Pooja,thanks so much for writing has still been pretty hectic for me.But I will definitely do this event since it has been soo long since I participated in any event.One Q though,can I share something that I had made before but not posted on my blog?noce to see this event back and up again.:)take care dear.

  33. a very apt theme for the republic day...will defenitely send in something..

  34. hey pooja, just read ur comment in my blog. i am bk in UK.

  35. pooja,
    its such awonderful ,theme .will sure participate ,count me in ..
    hugs and smiles

  36. Vini,
    I am so l=pleased to see you heare, thought that you might be busy some where with your little princess and her schedule.
    It would be greato have you along with all of us for this celebration, you can participate with anything you have, no matter how old the matter is. the Idea of this celebration is to have our lovely Tiranga colors around all of us, and our blogs too :) . so do it if time permits you .
    As I was saying Usha, it feels like meeting old school freidnd, when I see comment of buddies like you ,Stay tuned . Love to Ananya :)

    Sure , you are most Welcome :) . Will wait for your entry, if possible do it by 25th atleast :) . Looking fwd to see you here more often now :D.

    Sia ,
    SO you are back !!! Cant wait to see a lovely post in your blog ,as you did last time . That Ganesha spoon i still have infront of my eyes , :) . I am eager to see the wonderful item you will show us this time :) .
    Hugs to you :) .

    Jaya ,
    Nice to know that from you :) , I surely will wait for your entry.
    Thanks. Stay tuned tothis vlog for more...

  37. that is a challenging theme, but fun.

  38. Love the theme! I wish I had something to post tomorrow that fit with the colour scheme. Maybe next week :)

  39. Hey this is a great theme Pooja, I will try and make something... :)

  40. Pooja, oh I love this theme! although it could be very challenging for me to share my knowledge (if I ever have any...) on your culture... :) :) However my dearest, I may miss this round because my Spanish course is going to start next week; I wouldn;t have much time left even just for myself. But I will try my best... if I really (unwillingly) miss this round, right here I wish every participant enjoys, and you every success on the event!

  41. Good to see you back, Pooja!

  42. Hi Puja! Nice theme. Will try to come up with something.

  43. Great theme pooja and great to see you back :)

  44. teeth bleaching

    Great theme to start back up on! I look forward to seeing some great recipes from the theme of the week.

  45. Hi Pooja!
    I sent to you my email (weekend), and
    today I opened my post according to this week theme.
    I wonder do you got my email?

    All the best!

  46. Bee
    I think is a good chance to show creativity isn't it ? Challenging in a way if someone really need to create something very different.
    Glad to see you here :) .Stay tuned...

    Its fine as far as you cna send it on or before 26th Jan .
    Glad to read your comment here.

    Sig ,
    Sure, will wait for your entry dear :).

    It would be great to get an entry from you, though do it if time permits you.
    Just by knowing your creativity , was curious wiht what you can come up wiht :) .
    Thanks dear, keep in touch.

    Musical ,
    Thanks :) .

    Daily meals,
    There are many options to participate with,If you think little bit with those colors :).
    Will surely wait for your entry :).
    Stay tuned...

    Same here, it feels goodto hear from old bloggers . Thanks .

    Thanks , wil lvisit your blog soon.

    Tracy ,
    Welcome to my blog, havent seen your comment before, so assuming that it is your first time visit here.
    You will surely see some great recipes here, with all the themes and there is many more coming on its way too, just stay tuned to this blog.
    btw, Tracy is one of the name I like the most, may be due to the smart heroin of novel If tomorrow comes by sidney sheldon. :) .

    I just visit your blog and left comment there, the article is really good.
    Havent received any email from you , did you send it correctly to ?
    If possible resend it.
    Thanks for participating dear. :) .

  47. Hello Pooja

    The only recipe that I could come up with that theme would be a Lime cum sugar cum orange Ice lolly :D

    Thanks for your visit and your birthday wishes at my blog!

    Warm wishes to you for the Republic Day celebrations. :)

  48. WOW! You have an interesting blog here!

  49. Hello Mona ,
    Thanks for your good words for this blog :) .
    you can participate with the idea you wrote here. Do it if it is possible for you .
    Thanks a lot for your wishes.

  50. Hi Pooja, thanks for your sweet comment at FH, hope to see you there always! I will be here too:))
    I am not replying to every comment from now on, only answer question or doubts if somebody has any. Hugs to you sis, we really are the same you know!!;D

  51. Asha ,
    you are making me feel really sentimental dear. I am proud to have you around , some day I would love to meet you .
    Just working on my post for today and found your comment here, so glad to read it :), I feel like winning the Olympics :)).

  52. Hey Pooja,

    Sent scross my entry again to ur id now..Have sent 2 entries..Hope you got them..Thanx :)

  53. hi Maya,
    Got your email this time .
    Thanks for letting me know .

  54. Hi Pooja,

    I sent my entry just couple of minutes back.. Hope u got it..:) Let me know

    take care n Happy Republic Day!

    ~ Siri

  55. i have sent u my entry, do confirm :) waiting for the round up!

  56. Siri & Nags,
    thanks for reminder dear. I think i have elft comments already to let you know that. thanks for your timely entry . Check out my another enteries today and round up on Monday.
    Thanks Girls...

  57. I started reading the rules for flag and I couldn't complete. So many rules.


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...