Friday, January 19, 2007

Entries for MBP.

Here are my entries for Coffee's MBP event. For which she choose theme of this month as "Around the World"

Corn fritters :

I adopt this recipe from Asha . Just substituted flour with corn flour, and chilli flackes in place of fresh red chilli:). Here is original recipe of Asha for corn fritters. :) Thank you Asha for this nice recipe :)

Another entry for Rooma is Vegetable Fajitas. and thanks for that goes to Priya.
I come to know about this colorful dish from Priya of sugar&spices. Just made it the original way . check out her original way of making it here. :)

Have fun rounding up Coffee! :)


  1. You have choosen both of my favourite veggies... corn and bell peppers!!!! Thanks for these lovely entries dear. :)

  2. Coffee, you are most welcome dear !


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