Monday, January 15, 2007

Call to help for a noble cause and Vegetable of the Next Week .

When I joined my first job, I took an apartment on rent and was sharing it with another Colleague of mine, who finally turn into a good friend of mine. There was a huge temple next to our apartment, sharing a common wall with apartment. Since it was a famous Hanuman Temple there it always was more or less crowded ,and as it happens in India also there were some beggars around there. In the evening everyday they distribute food to hungry and needy people around . I knew this matter as my colleague- Anita told me this once.

Normally I got back to home around 7 p.m.. One day when I got back to home earlier than my normal schedule,I came to see the line of people there waiting for food to be served. Just watching them made me feel uneasiness. There were poor, thin and all aged people around there, waiting with hunger in their eyes. I saw this and couldn't eat my meal properly that day. What made me feel more uncomfortable is half of them were children, some were of 2-3 years age , didn't have even enough cloths to cover their bodies and protect themselves , some were little older than them. Some innocent faces ,starving to live on this earth. They might not be even aware of any other fact of life other than starving or serviving. I was lot disturbed, and thought what I could do for them .

Since serving anything directly to them was not possible, I inquired to Trust of people there in the temple, there was some fund we can donate them , which was being used for welfare of those poor people. Along with that myself and Anita, started distributing some biscuits and other readymade foods to children around there to just make them happy and see a smile on their faces. Sometimes I just bought some balloons and gave them to play with. The happiness in their eyes were worth catching in a picture. Unfortunately I didn't Had camera that time with me.

I continued doing so until I was there almost for a year or so. After that I got another job in another city, left that job. With new responsibility in new job and all other things to cop up with , I almost forgot the those incidents and got busy with my life, just as all of us are right now, some where with some responsibilities to perform, some duties to look after and everything else.

It is not always possible for us to go to such people and offer them some help, also it is hard to define some time priority for them to do any noble work. But it is for sure that if we feel like doing anything for such people we can do so. God never gives a Dream without giving the strength of fulfilling it. VKN of MYDhaba, has started the mission to do something to feed 1000 hungry children everyday named "Feed A Hungry Child". For which He planned to publish a book with some traditional recipes . He invited all of us to contribute for the book named "You can Cook ". I know all of you there are good with cooking , what we have to do is just to make some good traditional recipes and contribute to him for this noble cause. Just recall what our Mom/Grandma used to cook and make some of it and contribute them . I have never found a way easier than this to participate in any noble cause. What you have to do is just send as many recipes as you can . Target for that is 365 recipes, what he get up to date is around 100 , I request you to support for a noble cause and contribute as many recipes as you can . Provided they should be some traditional recipes, . Be there as a part of noble cause and somewhere in this world will be happy someday by your contribution. The final date to contribute is 31st Jan 2007. I hope it will be helpful to people, who are not yet aware of this Feed A hungry Child Campaign , to contribute something there.

Now something about an ongoing event here:) , after thinking a lot and changing my mind from one option to another one for choosing the Vegetable of the Next week, I am finally choosing Dried beans as Vegetable of the Next week. Since there is not one choice with it , I think all of us have many options to cook with different beans and participate here with . Showing you the pic here to remind you of many of forgotten dried beans... :)) . As there are more than one choice we have to cook with this week, we rather can call it Theme of the Week .
You can cook anything with these beans since there is a wide range and different dishes available with either soaked or sprouted beans,I think all of you would like this, and it would not be a problem for any of us residing in any part of the world, to get the beans, right?
I am going to change some plan of posting here, so for this week I will be posting all different dishes from myside on friday and also will do round up for all your entries on the same day.
Put your thinking cap on and email me your recipes at .

P.S.- With all your best wishes and concerns I am here fresh and fine to be with you all .Since you all suggest me so , I have altered some plans of posting here, just to get some more time to spend with myself :), but some day I will again be back with daily postings here. :D . Thank you all for your concerns. Have a good day!


  1. Great write up Pooja.. The happiness that you get by sharing with others (especially people in need)is so indescribable. Thanks for sharing your touching experience.
    I love beans and will definitely take part this week.

  2. Hello!
    Felt so good reading your snippet,Pooja!I have sent many recipes to VKN,will send more.Also I am so happy to see you smiling.Don't let the blog get to you!:))
    Dried beans is very good for me!:)You should make it theme of the month so we cook up a storm!:)
    I opened a new blog just to post dishes for events like these,so it will be easy for me.See you later!

  3. Indeed!!!! I can understand what you mean by that feeling!!!! And VKN is doing a great job!!!!

    And your ides of dried beans is great!!!!! Good that you decided to post it all once a week. :) But I can see the enthusiasm in you that you are itching to come back to everyday blogging soon!!! :)

  4. Your write up is really good,Pooja..I could picture everything in my mind as I was reading your post.

    The dried beans theme is very good.I bet your inbox will be full of recipes starting friday!

  5. Thats a great story ben...thanks for mentioning the FAHC project. We need to spread the as widely as possible...thanks again...take care ben

  6. What a great Post Pooja....thanks for bringing it to the attention for those who may not know about this worthy cause.

    Beans!- great choice...Let me see what I can come up with. Take care.


  7. Hi Poojai,

    Great post dear,surely will help VKN to reach the target and let the service go and reach the needy....

    Dried beans is good choice again,healthy and which is available in almost all places...

  8. Pooja, What a beautiful post lady. Your words really did touch me. I used to feel the same way when I used to see small little kids begging for food and clothes and working at hotels when they should have been playing or studying.I have started sending a couple of recipes to VKN as well.

    Dried beans is such a great theme for the week Pooja. As Asha said make it theme of the month. Everyone will have loads to contribute too.

    Thank you so much

  9. very good write up pooja... i heard about FAHC project from dilip and was thinking of sending couple of recipes. its such a noval thought...
    and coming to ur veggie for a week... hurreeyyyyyyy... i love different beans n sprouts... will see what i can come up with:)
    tc lady

  10. Very Good right up and responsibilty u have reminded many of us.I will try to send some recipes from my blo.Thanks pooja

  11. I am waiting for your recipe. Coming soon.

  12. Pooja,
    you post alerts us not to waste food too, and always remember to help people.
    I'll see more inspiring recipes coming.

  13. Hi Pavani : Thanks for appreciating my writing too ! : ) . I ma waiting to get your delicious entry for this week. Tomorrow I am going to do the round up dear.

    Asha: my smile makes you happy, and I am just happy to see your lines here : ) . I have felt the effect of blog getting over my mind in intial days and I got out of it quickly , and have dicided that time that I will never let it happen again. So this is a genuine promise to myself that I will not let anything in this world get over my mind such way.
    Your entries are great; also I emailed you just a hour ago.

    Thanks Rooma, I think you are correct with my enthusiasm … : ) )

    Vini :
    So nice of you that you like my write up too !:) .Yet let me see how many recipes I get for this week, right now it feels like along with me everybody is being idle to send entries here , except 3-4 buddies…:)).
    Anyway , its nice ! will do round up tomorrow.

  14. Dilibhai:
    I just thought if I can help you this way for this noble cause of VKN.
    My idea is just to spread the word, let us see the power of words :) .

    You came with something really nice, you know, I love all 3 pics of it and I am going to post all of them with your recipe tomorrow.

    My idea was just to let others know about this, so that they can also help.

    Thanks dear, hows everything there. No updates from yourside. Is everything ok?

    Surely I will look forward to make it theme of the month, if it is possible from otherside too. Let me just check with that this week.
    Thanks dear.

  15. Pooja.... Nice Stufff!!! Sorry Pooja..i couldn't still try your receipe..i think i should hire someone and do the cooking, being all alone and am bit lazy getting my hands into the kitchen of the coldness... anyway i will do it one fine day...and that's for sure..
    you have a great time!!!

  16. Pooja.... Nice Stufff!!! Sorry Pooja..i couldn't still try your receipe..i think i should hire someone and do the cooking, being all alone and am bit lazy getting my hands into the kitchen of the coldness... anyway i will do it one fine day...and that's for sure..
    you have a great time!!!

  17. Supriya:
    Hey , just to help you out with FAHC . send some of the entries you have already there to vkn and that will be published in the book he is aiming for, to help people cook .

    I am eager to see what you can come up with different sprouts : ) .
    Hows your health now. I hope everything is fine there.
    Take care

    Meena: ,
    Even if only 10 people will send some recipe after reading this , I will feel gald by that.
    Thanks for your nice words and support.

    Kajal :,
    Oh dear ! So finally you come up with your blog ! I am so glad to see your comment here. I am sure you have lot many art with you to blog about : ) . Painting, crafting, gardening, cooking…(did I forget some?),oh there are so many talent you have. I would love reading your posts…: ) . Thanks for dropping by .Stay tuned.

    It’s a good work, you can also contribute some recipe there I think. If you want more info on that do let me know. : ).
    Take care

  18. Ugyen ,
    thanks for dropping by agian. I know its hard to put your hand into cooking in these cold days, specially when you have other options for that. :)
    take your time, but do let me know when you try it.

  19. Take care Pooja, don't stress yourself . Loved your post on FAHC, very true.

  20. Pooja,
    thanks for your invitation :D For dried beans I'd feel a bit helpless (my home country and my family don't do much on this), but surely I'll gear up once I see any future topic that I know better :D Yep, will stay tune!


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...