Friday, January 19, 2007

My henna designing -part 3 and Photography :D

I have been not blogging this week , and know what? I have gathered so many things to share with all of you about this week only:) . Oh God, when this girl is going to stop ? If you are thinking so , then the answer is -Never . I really can't be quiet :)) .
Since I know that many of my blog buddies love henna designing , here is some treat for their eyes and for all of you tooo....

Just made this designs 3 days ago, grabed sister's hand and started designing. have fun with these. :D.
You know something ? When you love to do something you will get time for that ! doent matter how busy you are are what else is goin on in the life around :) . So never say that you don't have time for soing something. Just the fact is you haven't yet put that 'something' in your priority of using your time. :) . No no , I am not that much wise to learn this wisdom , My Mom told me everytime I used to say I dont have time for this and that. :P .

And here is the final result of my hard working :D.

Can't get the answer- what is most beautiful , my designing or sister's hand? if you get the answer to share it with me :) . I remember something like- Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder :) .

Remember,In Meme of 3 things I wrote photography as one of the things I love to do. May be I am very immature photographer yet :)), but I love to do that. "Practice makes a man perfect". (another slogan from Mom, oh so many wise things I learnt from her, and still learning :) ) , so I keep on practicing with that :P .

2 days ago I saw this , and immediately grabed my cam to capture this.

There were 2 rockets in the sky actually. And the view of sky is so clear that I just fell in love with this scene. Then at the middle the white fuel sign of the one rocket disappeared, I don't know why, it was still fying....just see the pic below to believe that.

And finally there was sign of only one in the sky .

I believe those who loves Photography would like it :)


  1. Those planes are from NDA are's they ? Perfect photos.

  2. HareKrishnaji,

    I suppose that they were from NDA. We are living much near to NDA. :)
    Thanks for dropping by here, and your nice comment for my photography, this is all a newbie photographer need to get encouraged :) .

  3. My My!!!!! No words to say!!!! I used to do henna also. But that was before my marriage!!!!! Never done it after i came here. But your posts make me want to do it now :D!!!!!

  4. Very nice henna design Pooja, Looks so nice. You have pitured it very nicely. So you have to wait for another a monthf or next design. Will try to visit your place for this? :) Viji

  5. Amazing Pictures of the Jet. Really Wonderful.

  6. I saw the same thing..i mean the rockets in Chennai on 17th jan..might be the same ones...lovely pics :)

  7. Coffee : you go girl ! I am sure you will be good at this too :)

    Viji: I will be morethan happy if you will drop at my place sometime , for this or with any other reason dear :) .

    Mythreyee: thanks , its is a good encouragement for a newbie photographer :)) .

    Mehak : They might be I am not sure of !
    thanks for appreciating my photography :)

  8. Hi Pooja,

    those henna pics are stuning. Did you really design them yourself? I loved the one with the ribbon. Is that a wedding design? I ve never been henna tattoed before, but would love to after seing these.

  9. hi Zlamushka,
    thanks for compliments :) .
    normally i design it by myself, i had a henna dsign book , i used to get some idea from it , although its never possible to follow any design 100% from book.
    btw, where r u living? may e if you are somewhere near by , i can make desing for you :D .
    stay tuned

  10. Oh, I would love to, but I live in SWEDEN :( I am getting married next year, maybe you could make a suggestion for a wed henna design ;-)


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...