Friday, March 14, 2008

"VoW- Brinjals " Mediterranean Eggplant Soup

Were you wondering where did I disappeared saying that "tomorrow " I am going to post Soup with eggplant ? Well ,you better know as the title of that book of Sidney sheldon - "If Tomorrow comes" I must be posting that ;) , Tomorrow never comes, I waited for it but it was named "today" when it arrived :D. Well, too much to excuse my busy schedule . But let me share a truth that is I am a great fan of that book and so of Sidney Sheldon too . Although I don't like all of his books as much as I love "If Tomorrow comes" . When he passed away last year I was so sad to know that now there will be no tomorrow when I will be eagerly waiting for his soon to be published novel :( .
Well a crazy side of me is if I really like some book - I read it again and again, and still I think I would like to read it few more times :)) . There are some which I really love like anything . Two of them are "If tomorrow comes" and "The Alchemist" . Paulo also depressed me little , as after that book I didn't fine any of his other book as good as "The alchemist" , still I keep on reading all his books (and of others too )one by one hoping that someday I will get a Gem like "The Alchemist" :)) .
You might think its ok if I like some book , but why to read it again and again infinite times , well D has the same question earlier. He read a lot too , a much more than I do , But not crazy like me to read that again and again as if I have to appear in exam for that book :)) . Poor D now he is not questioning me for that , he knows how weird I am sometimes ;) .Well I think I miss I am missing something to write here, what was that ? yeah this is my food blog and I was about to post a soup recipe here :) . A chatter box I am sometimes . Did I ever tell you that I still talk to D sometimes for hours and hours non-stop :)) , and so sweet of him to listen to me interestingly for all those hours and bear me for all the things I wish to share with him , no matter how small the matter is .

Well ,now I think before I miss the date to post this for my own event :r , let me first share this to you .

Mediterranean eggplant soup , I come to know this recipe about a month back or so , and thought to give it a try , as the ingredients of it sound very interesting to me , and what can be better chance for this than VoW for me :). I have modified recipe a little to make the it according to my taste . You can try it anyway you like.

Ingredients :

2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup onion chopped( I used Spring onion without leaves)
2 cloves garlic pressed or minced
1/2 cup celery stalks finely diced(I used Coriander instead as I just love it better than celery )
4 cups water
1 cup eggplant cut into 1/2 inch dice( I used tender medium sized brinjals, you can use any variety of it )
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes (I used cherry tomatoes)
2 teaspoons Italian herb mix(Mixture of dried basil, thyme, marjoram and oregano, together with some sage, garlic and rosemary)
1/2 cup raw pasta any type you like
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Heat the oil in a soup pot. Add the chopped onion, garlic and celery and saute over medium heat until the onion is golden. Add water, eggplant and tomatoes. Bring to a simmer then simmer gently covered until the eggplant is tender. About 20to 30 minutes on slow to medium heat. In the meantime cook the pasta separately until it is little soft. Drain and stir into the soup along with the chopped coriander. Adjust the consistency with more water if the soup has gotten too thick. Mix it with Italian herbs mix . Simmer over very low heat another 10 minutes , season with salt and pepper.

Serve piping hot accompanied by any kind of bread/ toast you like.

Final verdict : The slower you cook this , the better it tastes. If you are not much conscious about the quantity of oil in your dish then use little bit more , it enhances taste. This is not a Miracle dish which will make you fall in love with it even if you don't like eggplant. But yeah if you like eggplant like I do then "bas naam recipe hi kaafi hai " :~ . I love this soup for its natural color and all healthy ingredients , and I love having lot of Coriander in any dish, the aroma of the soup when cooking was enough to make me feel hungry ;) .

Also i love trying different versions of dishes you never know which one you will find like a Gem in your kitchen , you will get a Gem if you think of trying it , without trying it nothing to lose nothing to gain .Believe me there is nothing to lose in trying this soup for a non eggplant lover too.

Few more dishes with Eggplant is coming tomorrow on 15th March :p . If you are not a eggplant lover please don't go mad on me :y and if you are eggplant lover just stay tuned :).....

The round up will be published on Monday you still have today and tomorrow left to send entry for VoW-Brinjals :) , Bring it on buddies.


  1. Hi Pooja that hug of yours worked wonders....feeling better!!
    this soup looks yum and Iam sure going to try it.:))

  2. you are quick Saswati, The early bird prize goes to you today :D .
    Good to hear that you are feeling better now :) , get well soon .

  3. This looks yummy, who will not want this soup on a cold and gloomy day.

  4. Hahaha! Pooja, D sounds like a wonderful guy to put up with all your yakkettiyak!
    Yeah, mere liye to Baingan ka naam hi kaafi hai!:D
    I am sold, soup looks yummy, love the photos too, so clear!
    Have a wonderful weekend, hugs,see you on Monday!:)

  5. Hi Pooja!
    Love your interesting entrance.I like to read some books again and again too.
    I never cooked soup with eggplant.
    You motivated me. Sounds very yummy and healthy!

    Have a wonderful, happy weekend!

  6. "If Tomorrow comes" sounds worth to read. Sounds very exciting from your mouth.
    I have to read it. I like this kind of book.


  7. Medhaa,
    You missed early bird prize by few mins only :)), Kidding :).
    If you like eggplant , go try this soup , very healthy too.

    A pat on my back , Maine tumhara Dil jeet hi liya aakhir :) .
    And yeah Deepak is wonderful guy, not having any grudges to married to a chatterbox :D . God has gifted him all those patience to listen to me all the time with same interest :). So I am a happy married girl overall :D.
    I have to post some more things with Brinjals tomorrow to make you feel like coming to my home soon to enjoy those :) , I think I will keep the recipe secret , so that you really will come here ;).
    Weekend will start after that post for me .I have already in draft , just need to put pics and arrange it.
    thanks for your appreciative words for these pics, it really means a lot to me, Hugs to you too :).

    Now I think you can understand me :) . I am not the only insane around here :)) . If tomorrow comes is a novel about a simple girl who turns smart to deal with the injustice she had in life and finally knows how to outwit everyone . A happy ending story it is , though many of the sidney's story are not having happy end which left me miserable for few days after I finish it. This one I really love. Perhpas you would like to check its review before you buy it for real.

  8. brinjal Soup??!! boy girl, that's like way creative!:)

  9. looks delicious and yum pooja

  10. Brinjal soup very unique dish to make. Looks delicious with noodles in it Slurp..:,)

  11. Hey Pooja!

    I love If tomorrow comes too! That was mind boggling and I would say one of the best from SS!

    That was such a sweet and generous comment that u gave me :) And yeah sure.I will help u with the round up - u know how? By sending you one entry from my end ;-) Chk ur mail :) have fun

  12. never heard of an egg plant soup ...
    though i am not a egg plant lover.. i am going to try out yours... i am sure it is going to change my attitude towards this vegetable.

  13. interesting. So far I have heard only about baigan ka baharta but soup !

  14. Wow that soup looks delicious. I am not a eggplant fan, but i am drooling for that delicious bowl of soup

  15. U really like Eggplants,haan :) Never thought of adding eggplants to the soup


  16. Soup looks awesome, Pooja! Your husband is such a sweet heart! I think mine would get bored with me chattering for so long! :)

  17. Mansi,Dhivya,
    Thank you :) .

    It is a unique dish , I also tried it for the first time :). thanks for appreciations.

    yeah , I agree with you . I love the character tracy witney and the way she learns to outwit people, I am sure you must be liking it too :) .
    That comment was real , straight from my heart. And you are adding on more to do the round up and still not helping me :( , you are
    so mean :(( ..... i want that lovely windows in my round up :(( ...

    check out if this turn to be a miracle dish for you . if you really don't like eggpant much , you can use it in less quantity for first . do let me know if you try it.

    there are many around here which I only posted , but for more check out round up tomorrow :) .
    Hope everything must be going o n fine with you.

    Happy cook ,
    Did my pic make you drool for that bowl of soup or the recipe itself ? :) . thanks for your comment buddy.

    There was a time when I didn't like it . but now i do like it a lot. But hey , this is what you are going to feel every month about me for difference veggies :)).

    yeah , really he is . and I am more sweet than him too :)) . Thanks for appreciating soup idea.

  18. I made it yesterday and we had it with some toasted bread and cheese.My husband kept asking if it was a ready to make soup! Lovely flavours! And i am fan of eggplant also,so i know a new way to have it now.Thanks!


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