Saturday, January 19, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Salty Snack - Jeera Khari (Day 12/ 365)
"Easy as pie" gotta change its name to easy as Khai now ;-) Making Pie is very tricky sometimes in my humble opinion hehe.. but you can't go wrong in making Khari - just because there is nothing to do at all.
All you will need is the following -
Frozen Puff Pastry dough ( I used Trader Joe brand)
A spoonful of cumin seeds, Jeera ( optional)
Butter or Ghee to grease baking tray
I bought Frozen Puff Pastry dough from Trader's Joe. Put it in regular freeze section over night to thaw.
In the morning start oven, set the temp at 375 F and get dough ready to go in oven.
I sprinkled some Cumin (Jeera) seeds on the dough sheet, Keeping dough on the wax paper that it was wrapped in, roll out the dough sheet with rolling pin a little , this will set cumin in dough nice and then cut in the desired size of pieces. After cutting, I turned them in the twist to make bow like shape just for some nice change to regular shape of khari.
Grease baking tray with light layer of clarified butter ( ghee). Khari rectangles won't need ghee or anything on top of it but if you like it more buttery you may lightly brush on some butter on top of it before you put in oven.
For the pic you see here, I have used none on the top of it.
Put cut dough rectangles on greased baking tray in the preheat oven. Check it after approximately 15 minutes as, without touching it let it cook until it is like pink light brown in color, the timings may vary upon oven size and capacity. It would not take more than 20 mins though. Take the kharis out and let it cool down before you dive in to taste it as it may be bit soft from inside at this point. However after cooling down it will turn into more crunchy from inside and out too. Jeera Khari is ready to to munch on with hot cup of tea :-) Good Morning !
Some call it Khaari some call it Kharee too! How do YOU call it?
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
Labels: Project 365, snack
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Guess who exceeded professor's expectations!
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Until we get spring again....
One of my most cherished picture ever. It was taken from my patio. It reminds me of how most beautiful things come straight from nature and in its most simplistic from.
Finally back on blog and mingling with other blog buddies via their blogs.
There will be some food , fun and other ramblings too!
So stay tuned....
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Friday, January 04, 2013
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spring Onion Paratha- Indian flat bread with Spring Onion
The juices of spring onion and tomato will be enough to blend it to fine puree. If you like sweet taste to it add sugar while making puree. It will reduce in volume and you will have thick puree once done.

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Monday, April 23, 2012
Labels: Paratha, Spring Onion
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
How to choose Spring Onions
Some call it Green onion, some call it spring onion, some call it scallions and I heard a lady at super market call it long onions! Although prepared with list of groceries and veggies to buy she sounded bit confused about how to pick "long onions". That made me think it would be a good start to first post about how to pick and store Spring onions.
Here in states I don't usually see big bulbs of onions in spring onion. It is rather skinny and with less leaves than what I used to get in India, specially in the season of winter.
Contrary to other hybrid veggies (usually bigger and fuller in volume than organic ones) I think the type of spring onions we get here is exception.
Above is what we get in India(in left) compared to what we get in USA (on right)
Here are few pointers for picking and storing spring onion. It is easier than one would think. I was immature at picking right veggies too but slowly with some experience I started discovering what is right for my dish and for storing for long time and here it is:
To pick best of Spring onions:
- Go for the one with green leaves and firm onion bulbs. Do not choose those with limp onion yellowish leaves.
- The white onion part can vary in size. I personally think the bigger it is the more tasty it will cook. However thing onions as to what we get in USA market here is also right kind to cook and make salads with.
- I cook it fresh and usually cut and wash it just before cooking. For busy cooks, it can be washed , dried and then cut in to small round pieces to store in a zip-lock bag until you plan to use it.
- As spring onions are the immature onions , they are full of moist. After cutting even when kept in refrigerator it is advisable to use it in 1-2 days.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Labels: Spring Onion, Vegetable of the Week
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I - day 2008 Roundup
With my head over the heels, I was tightly busy with all possible things you can imagine. I am thankful to all of you who cared to inquired about my well being , well I was not sick except one virus attack- rather I was just busy doing other things for my professional life. A warm big hug to all of you sweet hearts there.
without much talks here is the round up of Independence day 2008.
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Labels: Independence day, Round up, Theme of the week
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Happy 61st Independence day to my Indian Buddies...
Take some time to respect the nation and culture we belongs to. From the bottom of my heart I salute those who took steps to bring freedom to India and helped it to preserve the rich culture we belongs to.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Labels: India, Theme of the week
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mango pulp - Theme of the week Saffron white n Orange

Although I am not a sweet lover, I always loved sweet mangoes, specially the one which we get in season , ripe and firm , not too sweet (yeah you heard it correct- not too sweet ) and full of flesh .
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Monday, August 11, 2008
Labels: Theme of the week
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Vegetable of the Week -Bottle Gourd Round Up
We have 8 to cherish :) .

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Labels: bottle gourd, Round up, Vegetable of the Week