Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kaju Katli

Kuchh mitha ho jaye ,

Although I don't like sweets much , I think to make some sweets, for this holiday seasons  :) .

This is my first experience with making Kaju katli (Kaju katri-as we say in Gujarati :) ) , and it was a superb success . Not only it came out nice , It is too quick and easy to make.
Here is my recipe of kaju katli .

Ingredients :
1 cup Kaju( cashew)
3/4 cup sugar(I used little less than this ),
1 tsp ghee,
1-2 tsp milk,
Vanilla/rose essence (optional),
Silver foil(chandi varkh)

Soak kaju in water for half an hour.
After 30 minutes drain the water and spread it on the paper towel.
In a mixture bowl take 3/4 cup of sugar and then cashew. Crush it to powder.
At this point if u find it is hard to crush it smoothly then add 1-2 tsp milk. Don't add water to it.
Grind it in mixture until u get powder like consistency.
Next heat 1 tsp ghee in kadhai or pan.
Put this mixture in it and stir continuously.
Stir until it get soft bubbles formed in it. It will take 7-8 minute approximately.

Lower the flame and add rose essence mix it well immediately and turn of the heat.
Immediately spread it on a greased flat bottom thali/plate.
Spread it evenly all over the plate, to make it perfect and even- use small flat bottomed vessel.
Let it cool completely and then apply silver foil on it with care.
When it is at room temperature cut it into diamond shapes.

Store it in air tight container and keep it refrigerated . Will stay fresh and good in taste for upto one month or more.

Note :
  • Do not try giving it shape or cutting it while it is warm , let it cool completely that will make sharp edges of it. I made little mistake ant cut it whe ni t was warm , and later realised the mistake.
  • Tates best after keeping it for 1 day in fridge ,so if u are planning this to serve some guest, prepare one/two days earlier.


  1. Hi Pooja,
    This is my all time favorite sweet got to try this for sure.thanks dear.yours looks absolutely like the store bought onces.

  2. wow Pooja never saw a kaju khatli recipe before this is my kids favorite. beautiful pics

  3. Hi!
    This is soooooo easy to make!!! its not time consuming!!!

  4. Nice pictures. Look easy enough even for me to try.

  5. Looks beautiful and so easy too. Also it does not take too much ghee.

  6. I ain't a fan of sweets too.the only exception being this and mysore paak!

  7. Pooja, I shall make this & revert wt feedback!I LUUUUVVVV SWEETS!TKS A TON 4 POSTING!!!

  8. Hey, i too made it for diwali...its an anytime sweet for me..ur looks perfect

  9. Looks like in sweet shop my dear. This is perfect diamond shape with easy recipe. I will try out some time. Thanks for sharing lovely sweet dish for this winter.:))

  10. my hubby will love this...he eats sweets a lot...i not that gud in making them...this one looks soo simple ...i'm gonna suprise him wid this...thanku for sharing dear

  11. Hi Pooja..
    Visited ur blog for d frist time..
    Its really very nice blog..
    Dis kaju katli is wonderful an easy..
    Thank u...

  12. Hi Pooja,
    Excellent...amazing....its just like store bought.
    I couldn't believe it you saying for the first time you are trying.

    Actually after seeing Prema's it was in my list...again after seeing it...it grew more...

    Hey where did u get that silver foil?

  13. Poja,
    lovely kaju katli,the way u write makes everyone look it so easy , but sure it requires a lot of work with constant stiring ,this one looks amazing,thanks for sharing the recipe .
    hugs and smiles

  14. nice to see u pooja. I have posted kaju kathli too for diwali. Ur method is slightly different and looks good.

  15. Soumya,
    When i served this to one of our friend they were also not ready to believe that i made it at home :) . it feels good when someone apreciate our atr , right ?

    Nice to see you back after so many days dear, hope you enjoyed a lot in India :) .

    thank you dear. You can try it it is not so hard though. kids will love this , and homemade is always better than store bought, isnt it ?

    Usha P
    yeah it is less time consuming, and easy , jsut keep the points inoted in mind ,and put litle attention while its on heat. :)

    The Cooker,
    thanks :) . try and let me know how it turn out for you :D. Stay tuned...

    Red chillies,
    yeah, it doesnt take much ghee, 1 tsp is just enoughto make it smooth little, coz when it is grinded it is like hard dough, so initially to stir it ghee helps , then sugar in it form the liquid part and you can easily stir it . I love it for that reason too , coz basically I dont like ghee much , can u believe this ? yeah , its true :).

    i too love mysore paak very much , though i am not at all sweets fan , and more of it , i dont like ghee, but i love mysore paak, specially whrn it is fresh made:) . btw, i tried to get back to your blog , but couldnt find one :( .

    you are welcome , I am waiting for your feedback dear... :))

    Easy crafts,
    Thanks for appareciating :) . seems like i get many good word for this simple dish :))
    Stay tuned...

    have biju kai nahi thay to USA ma sweet shop kholi deshu :))... thank you dear . after keeping it in fridge for 2 days it taste completely like store bought.

    go ahead, try this and surprise him , i am waiting to hear more from you abt this :) .

    thanks for dropping by , keep coming for more :)

    try it dear, you can make it , and it tastes beter tan store bought . just keep the points noted in mind, plus while stirring , dont let it burn a little from anywhere , it will change the color otherwise.
    I got silver foil from Apna Bazaar here, i think u can try patel's or any big Indian store .
    try making it and let me know dear. :)

    Thank you dear for such caring words :) , i m really feeling pampered :D. Though process is easy , each step rewuires accuracy in making ti perfect , thats what i feel while making it.
    Hug to you to dear, its nice to see your comment on this blog again :) .

    Just after reading your comment i rushed and read your post too of kaju kathli. yours is nice too :) . Just a question ,if you crush kaju after roasting it a while, doesn't it become sticky while grinding ?
    thanks for sharing your way of making it too :)
    Stay tuned...


  16. Welcome back, Pooja. How are you?
    Those kaju katlis look delicious.

  17. It is a pleasure to see you posting again :)

  18. Hey Pooja, good to see you back! Lovely classic mithai recipe!

  19. Hi Pooja! Your blog is looking fresh and new, the US effect?? How's it been moving to the US? Kaju katli looks great, I must try making it soon.

  20. I brought back a bit of this treat from Dubai! I love it!

  21. wow..that looks so nice..thanks..you have a nice and pleasant blog..

  22. Yumm they look so good . Just like in the shops with the silver leaves.

  23. very nice recipe pooja looks deleciouss

  24. Suma,
    thank you dear :) , Now I can tell you that at least u will see a post a week in this blog , planning to be on blog world again as usual.
    I was missing old blog friends like you .

    thanks a lot :) . Will visit oyur blog soon .

    Thanks for appreciating my recipe. hope to see you more on this blog :)

    Well, you can say it is the effect of being little more free, as i am not working here, quite freeto learn and explore the other things which i am intrested in .
    I am glad that you liked it :) , you have been missed dear. if u are making kaju katli , then do let me know the result. Stay tuned :)

    I just visited your blog , and enjoyed the array of traditional sweets :) . thanks a lot for accepting this entry.

    Thank you Srivalli. i hope you will find some helpful recipes and tips over here, keep coming for more.

    Happy cook,
    I am glad tht you liked it :D. well , who dont like it when their art is being appreciated :)) ?. Nice to see your commnet here , Stay tuned...


  25. I love kaju katlis. You make it sound so simple:-)

  26. WOW.....you are selected watch for your blog is very nice. So you are in mood of X’mas vacation.:))

  27. TBC,
    Glad to see your comment here :) . thanks for your nice words.

    Thank you dear, I too love that clock very much , perfect for this season , right ?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi Pooja,
    Thanx for stepping in my blog. I am a great fan of you. I tried your Cumin paratha, Palak paneer, cholay batura. Thank u so much for your encouragement. I have posted few recipes in my other blog.
    Kaaju kathli looks yummy!!!Thanks for sharing.

  30. Kaju katli looks delicious! It looks very simple to veganize!

  31. This one sweet I want to try. Your step by step illustration will surely help me prepare without any mistake. Looks delicious.

  32. Hi Pooja,

    Its long time I havent cooked anything new... One of my friend has opened a blog and I have given your blog address to her.
    She does not has access to internet so I am pasting her's blog URL just check and let me know your comments :).

    Will be very helpful :)

  33. Hi Pooja..I made these katlis yest! They were very yummy!I used 1/2 C sugar and didn't hv chandi varq but they were delicious! Thks again for this winner recipe!!

  34. Hey..sorry..clicked submit...HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU!!!

  35. Dear Pooja,

    Wish you and your family a wonderful New Year 2008 !

    Best wishes and season's greetings from,


  36. Hi pooja
    visiting your blog for the first time and am impressed by the varied content. A very good work

  37. Mychandu,
    can i call you by name , tweety ? i am bit confused with your real name :? .
    I am glad that my recipes are being helpful to you :) , keep visiting for more.
    If you ahve noticed i have already added you to my blog roll list.
    stay tuned dear...

    thanks :) . this is simple to make too :D.

    thanks buddy.
    Pajaaka is a good name , hope to see you on blog more now :) .
    stay tuned...

    thanks for dropping by, you blog is still all empty though :)).
    hope you will drop by to lewt me know your views about this blog . it will be helpful to make it more used friendly :) .

    I am so glad to hear that from you dear. glad that you tried it :) .Hope to hear more from you . A very happy new year to you too !

    thanks for visting this blog, i appreciate it whne someone cares to show their views by dropping a comment . thanks :) . keep visiting for more....
    take care.

  38. Hi Pooja..
    I didnt know Kaju katli was so easy to prepare..I really love them a lot..Will surely give them a try..

  39. first time here pooja i loved ur blog dear!!
    i too prepare kaju katli .
    if u get a chance do visit my blog


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