Monday, April 23, 2007

Some pleasant momories of my trip to Junagadh

Junagadh- is a historical place, though I have been to there as a child, I remember it as quite an interesting place im ny memories.This time running with shortage of time even, we thought to visit Junagadh , before hubby fly to USA, and a great experience it was. More on Jungadh see here and here.

This pleasant view we got to see while entering the Jungle , Tree of "Kesudo"(Butea monosperma L.) , was ready to welcome us :D, showering its flower on earth to make the perfect red carpet welcome :) .

Near the stream in the Jungle- they told us to do not move out of car near stream, coz it has the most probability to have lions around there ,visiting to drink water. Still we dared to move out :D.

Inside Jungle - Moglee and Radha....:)) .I loved watching "Jungle book" series as a kid... no still i love to watch it :D, and so does hubby :) . sharing our pics for the first time here on blog .

this is "Shilalekh" at the foot of Girnar entrance. King Ashoka is famous with this. it is an edict of Emperor Ashok inscribed on a rock dating from the 3rd century BC. The edicts impart moral instructions on dharma, harmony, tolerance, and peace. i have got its translations in to english captured in pics with me, if intrested in readin/knowing it, tel me , may be i will send that to intrested people. its too much to post around here.
The fact behind "Shilalekh- documents written on rock". click to view it in larger size.

Mount Girnar- they says viewing from side it creates a shape of face of a man. its as whole body , rest of the body is inside earth ...

now Next are some "Jadibuti"- aryuvedic medicines(aushadhi) , from the the Jungle of Junagadh. we got very few of them , as we visited here in fall, raining season is the right time to get most of them in jungle. (it was agood chace to try my hand on photography too :D. )


Chanothi and above this pic is tree of chanothi

something used for detnal problems...

At place called -Ooperkot. behind ours is mount girnar , visible clear and so peaceful...
See , how I am going with photography..... :) .
Its too hard to capture bird in camera, as far as it concerns to peacock its almost impossible as i see that they are very sensitive to other voices and soon hide themsleves in some safe area, if we pass from near by... still i got to click some pic of it.
this lovely pair of parrot, i cant resist capturing in my cam ,and sharing here with you all. aren't they lovely?

Now , a Guessing game... see the pic below carefully, and guess how many creatures / birds are there in pic. look carfully, even I missed some of them in first look. :)) . put sharpen your mind& vision and keep guessing.... (click on image to view it in larger size).


  1. Cool.... so now I can put a face to that name!!!!!

    I have some wonderful memories of junagadh!!! Did you visit the lal bapu ashram over there??? My cousin is married to his bro's daughter...... We had been to all these plases on our visit junaghad for the wedding!!!!

    The photographs are awesome!!!!!

  2. Hi Pooja!
    Mystical place! Great photos! Love them.
    I think that there are about 8 birds ( maybe more).
    "Jadibuti"- aryuvedic medicines , from the Jungle of Junagadh - very interesting!

    Thanks for sharing that beauty!

  3. "Shilalekh" - I'm interested about it.
    My address is in Profile section.

    Thanks for sharing this great post and photos.
    What a beautiful cauple you are!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Hi cutie pie!:))
    So glad to see you both.So young and happy.Glad to hear that you are going to join him soon:))
    Beautiful photos and birds too.Love the Jhadbootiyan!!
    I have three books on Buddhism!!Good to see the real one there!
    Thanks Pooja:)

  5. Coffee,
    thanks :). to navo blog kevo chale chhe? maja karta raho..... :))
    thanks for appreciating my phtography...:) , its agood encouragement for a newbie photographer.... :D . thanks for appreciating my posts and us too :D. for guessing game, just a hint, try looking pic in big size u may come close to the real answer....
    do u wish to get english translations of whats written on shilalekh? do let me know.
    oh dear.... your compliments have always encouraged me to be better with cooking,now is the turn of photography, and sure with your kind words, this will boost too soon to better results...:D
    thanks for comlimenting me and Deepak. :) .... - yours cutie pie.i love it when u call me like that. :D.
    nothing about guessing game from yourside :( ?

  6. Hi Pooja,

    It was really exciting to see dear...oh look slim and littlebit modern...there is some variation from my imagination pooja.....Now i got your image perfectly...
    When are you coming here? How is your hubby?

  7. Usha,
    ohh dear.... ! :) . niceto see you here too ! thanks fro your compliments. i am slim like this since years.... , and coming to modern, its just the way i look like. Indian by heart, more specifially loves gujarati traditions a little bit, though i am never a pure traditional girl . i love what i feel comfortable and appropriate , nothing else. hope to see you soon :D. will email you about that. hubby is doing good. thanks. keep in touch.

  8. Gr88 gr88...

    First of all thanks a lot for the efforts you have taken to sort, edit and manage the pictures. Also the text you have arranged for description is splendid. You really bring me back to the jungle of "Junagadh" wherein I spent the whole day with you exploring the things.
    I still remember the thrill that we he had while traversing the jungle, the fear of wild animal, finding the paths and hope of meeting some mysterious saint :). Let me add something here and Pooja please correct me if I am wrong. The flower you posted is called "Malan", whenever in spring this flower blossom, every corner of the jungle get fragranced.
    Don't remember the name for second one, but it is used for all dental problems. The third one is called "Ankole" plant. This is really mysterious plant, it is written in Tantra that our ancient "Rushis" use to make oil (there was a special process for that) from these leaves which make humans invisible (change the resonance frequency of our body cells).
    The third one (cherry shaped) I don't remember :(. The fourth one seems like "Jaljamni", which is used to condense the water to ice (am I right Pooja, may be I am wrong, bit confused).
    The fifth one is "Shemla", I forget what it is used for.
    I will stop here. Rest, once we meet. Thank you.

  9. Oh my my.... Look who is here to comment :) ! . I am pleasantly surprised to see your comment here . thanks honey for your compliments . :D .
    now with jadibuti(s) ... second one is something else , its the fifthone which use for dental problems..third one is the pic of the tree of "Chanothi" ,forth one is the pic of chanothi after we open it...and the last one the picture of "Shemdo"- used to make GULKAND.. remember that? don't worry i am always here to fill the missing part of you :).
    btw, where are you ? i am waiting for you on skype and found u here, if you are soemwhere on my blog still , come on skype :D. many things to talk with you...

  10. Pooja, thought you haven't been posting - what do I see but your pix with you in them as soon as I open your blog!
    I know those red and black seeds, we call them 'gurivinda' in Telugu, they are supposed to be poisonous - as kids, we had a few in our 'treasure box'

  11. Hey I am sorry, my counting mistake. When I said fifth its sixth, and when I said fourth its actually fifth.
    Also I mistaken the "Chanothi" with "Ankole", coz we also brought the Ankole with us.
    Any how thanks for the gr88 information.

  12. hey pooja, lovely junagadh pics you have there! looks like you guys really had a great time, hopefully did not encounter any lions ha!ha! tari badhi photo joee, lageyche tame junagadh ma bau maja kari.

  13. Sra,
    we call the red and black seeds- "chanothi" . in out childhood days we used to keep it in our piggy banks, with belief that it will help our piggy bank grow soon :)). As fas as i remember when not mature , it works as a medicine for "Masudo ke Problems" :), but afcourse after some processing. The picture here is of mature one, dont know if it turns posionous after then .
    i thought so that u skipped one picture there. the fifthe one here is ankole, used for dental problem, for "Motiyon Jaise Daant " :D . take care.
    yupe, we had a great fun there, both of loved that too much. and plannignto visit there someother time too, may be after some years...:). thanks for your compliments on pictures here. and for lion - he did not dare tyo move road side whene we were there :)) . kidding. have fu nand stau tuned...

  14. Nice to 'meet' you, dear Poo! Junagadh is beautiful! Nice to see untainted beauty of nature. All the best with hubby moving and I hope u get to follow him soon! :)

  15. hi pooja, awesome photos, nice to see you dear! Happy to know you are joining your hubby soon.Wish you all the best girl!

  16. hey radha and moglee:) gosh!!! u r lovely sweetheart:) just came to take a sneack peek and what i get to see!!! beautiful pictures of mother nature. ah!!! u guys really had good time han? is there more to come? what a lovely place, Ooperkot. i love its name. is it a place or fort or something like that? i got little pissed off looking at those scribblings on the walls. god!!! when will we indians stop messing around with our historical monuments? :(

  17. Hi Pooja!! wow...finally see the happy couple at last!

    Junagadh ni toh teh mari yaad taji kari didhi....I need to go there again! Pela Mor aney dhel no foto bahu gamyo...!!

    tuh 19th na ave che ne??? can't wait to talk to you!

    take care, chal paachi malya.

  18. Pooja, how I wish I was there! To see all those amazing flowers, Mount Girnar or lion maybe :) :)
    And hey, what a gorgeous-looking couple!
    About the guessing game, actually I can only spot birds... the two brown-ish black ones in the front, a peacock after the tree, and a tiny little one far behind... but I see something green standing next to the tree ... Pooja, now you make me very curious, can't wait to know the answer :)

  19. Hi Pooja,I found about 10 birds!! Few squirrels!!;D

  20. Hi Pooja, thanks for taking me to this lovely place through your pics. finally got to see moglee and radha :) must have had a great time.

  21. Hi pooja
    Those pictures are beautiful.especially the white flowers..wonderful!!!
    now coming to the guessing game:
    8 birds
    2 peacocks
    2 parrots
    2 squirrels
    am i right?

  22. great wonderful pics of Junagadh, I have only been there once...great place...thanks for sharing ben

  23. Hi Pooja,
    Lovely Pictures... I think there are 7 birds, 2 parrots, 2 peacocks, 2 squirrels...

  24. Vani,
    nice to see you here again ... :) .
    yupe, i m going ho join hubby soon... have psoted a comment on your blog , did u check it? Little M is looking choooo chweeeeet .... :D hugs to you , take care.
    thanks for your compliments dear :). nothing for guessing game ???? :(... , stay tuned.
    thanks girl.give us also sometime chance to see you :). no need to say you are just like me :D. there are many more pics i have, but kept it limited to share here. its really plenty of... about ooperkot(some says upetkot too- i find it wrong :)) ) , is a name of whole area which itself has fort,garderns,a famour "adichadi ni vav", a well known as "navghan kuo". the fort stands upon a plateau. right now there is a Masjid, which was built by using the remains of the destroyed Ranakdevi Mahal and Tomb of Nuri Shah. the picture here is of terrace part of Rankadevi mahal, not too big but in tha ttimes it used to be a Mahal. its just a construction of huge pillers and stones now, left to see us. It was built by Chandragupta Maurya in 319 BC. It has an extensively carved and decorated triple gateway and was a stronghold of the Mauryas as well as the Gupta Kings. It has been attacked at least 16 times and one of the times the attack continued for a period of 12 years. It is said to have remained abandoned for about 300 years from the 7th to the 10th century AD. in all its a istorical place ,worth visiting if one is intrested in such things. i love this kinda palces a lot, and so does hubby, so we had a great fun to gether there. will let you know if i will plan to post some more pics, as for now this is all.:D.
    stay tuned. hows new sr.s/w engg doing? :) .
    its always nice to see you here. mane mor bahuj game, etle tena photo leva mate to me sari evi kasrat kari chhe, tyare thoda ghana photo malya, jara aavaj thay to kayay bhagi jay , ne mare to bas phota levaj hata, etle bahu badha pictures mor na lidha pachhi jara shanto thai jiv ne :)) .
    thanks fro your compliments to both of us. do u know, thsi tiem Deepak commented me here :D. ! ha augnish mi ni flight chhe, badhu packing chale chhe, kem ke have weight limit is too less.23kgs :( , so planning accordignly.
    i am also eager to talk to u , will give u my number once i reach there. love to sidh and sahil. i hope everyone is well now that end. :).take care.

  25. Gattina,
    nice to see you here again dear :) . thanks for comlplimenting us :D. it was really fun in th forests of Jungadh, somtime i think how nive it would be if we all blog buddies meet and plan some trips together...for now i can say you are quite keen with your guessing,will tell the real answer after somedays here on post :)
    take care of yourself dear and keep blogging ! :)
    so sweet of you dear! you are quite near to the real answer ....hmmmm....still have a look agian may be you get the exact answer by yourself. :), thanks for dropping by here again for guessing , hugs to you :D.
    hi from radha :)) , i am glad that you enjoyed th pics here , keep commenting ...:), no guesses for the final picture ????
    I also like the picture of that white flower too much, it is called Maalan which is having intense fragrance , one can locate its tree from half kilometer distance , just by its fragrance.:)
    thanks for your nice words here :). for guessing game answer keep visiting , will post it within some days :) .
    ghana vakhte darshan thaya aapna, kyak busy haso nahi ! thanks for your nice comment. hows FAHC going on ? i am eager to know that , do let me know if i can do any needful for that.
    thanks dear ! as for now let me give u a hint,there are many more than 7 in the picture. prema, try looking it in bigger size , and you will come to see few more easily :)Stay tuned...

  26. 9 birds
    2 peacocks
    3 squirrlis
    2 parrots

  27. Thank you Pooja. I appreciate it.
    I wrote wrong words. I think about Jadibuti"- aryuvedic medicines(aushadhi). I found little informs about this through Internet.

    Peace, Love and Happiness be with you!

  28. This is something lively pooja. Sorry for my late comment. This is summer, most of them are on vacation. So little busy in the office. Nice to see you in western dress. Nice photographs. Viji

  29. I feel like going to Junagad right now

  30. Krystyna,
    thanks for your reply, i was confused with what u wanted me to send you :(, contended and happy now to see your reply :) .

    Its all Ok dear :) . as long as i see you here i am happy , thanks for being here always :D.
    hows life going on there?
    its such a lovely historical place, grab a chance sometime to visit there, you will like it there :).

  31. hi friend,
    its a really nice blog about junagadh.
    If U want to know more about junagadh or want a some news about it pls refer,

  32. Hi,
    It was gr8 to see some interesting pictures of places in Junagadh. I visited Junagadh in 2008 and have clicked some pictures of places, where I spent my school days between 1948-1961. I would like to post them. I would like to post them for the people who are interested to view them. I do not want to post them on facebook as it is more general place.
    Any suggestions?


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Keep posting and stay tuned :)...