Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Theme of the Next Week - Valentine's Day

Remember those days just before our marriage ,how romantic we all were ! We were just feeling like love is all around us that time, right? As time passes we get used to things in life , and start understanding each other , be compatible with each other, and though life gets better by understanding our life partner well, we almost forgot to express frequently how much we love our better half, as we used to do in initial days of our marriage. Isn’t it true for all of us in one or more ways?

Well, then lets all do it once again , tell our beloved how much we love them and how good our life is by having their support in each matter of our life.

Having all of your suggestions with me, I thought to celebrate this week as Valentine’s week. And the theme for this is little versatile .
They say 'the way to man’s heart is through his stomach' : D.

Cook anything to make your better half happy in a special way , and let us all share our experiences together here in round up .Like what you cook, why you cook it, and how did he find it etc etc… (if you wish you can write about your story like how you met him and all , that is if you would like to add then only, but I think it will be great fun to bring back memories of those days and share with out buddies here. You can also share what he gifted you,and how special you were feeling that time etc..., In short anything related to Valentine's day from your treasure :) )

Let us all remind our special One , of his value in our life, and just for some time forget anything else , like- our responsibility , our busy schedules , or other priorities.

Having something with the color red or pink in the dish will be like ‘Sone pe Suhaga ‘ (adding fragrance to gold, and ), but that is truly optional( I think there are many options to have red/pink color in our dish , i.e. Pomegranate seeds, red grapes, Beet root, anything of rose or straberry flavor) I keep it optional as there is different choice for our favorite meal for all of us, :) so Cook anything you like to make a perfect evening for two of you and share it with us .

I think as all of us will have some other plans to celebrate 14th feb. in a special way , or some where outside home , I think this weekend is a good time to make our beloved happy. So go on, try it and share it here. Will wait for your entries to blogpooja@gmail.com , the round up will be done after 14th February. Take your time to make a special dinner , and have a great time together.

Valentine's day is few days away !


  1. wohooooooo... thats very romantic theme pooja:) mmm... will see what i can come up with:)

  2. wow pooja
    very touching and romantic too....:-D

  3. Thats really nice and wonderful idea/......I started digging my memmories now itself,the fews day before our wedding....

  4. OH DEAR GOD!!!:)) He eats everything I make and do not say a bloody word!!OH WAIT! He does,he does,only if something is wrong with it ,loud and clear!! ;D

  5. Nice theme pooja..will send my entry soon..

  6. Nice theme pooja..will send my entry soon..

  7. Hi Pooja...wow..what a great theme!


  8. "Remember those days just before our marriage ,how romantic we all were !" ....... I disagree on that ;) Its still the same with me :P

    Nice theme.... let me see what I can come up with.....

  9. what a lovely theme! Sometimes couples living together toooo long and forgot about some beautiful moments in their early days... I'll think about the dish and such =)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sia,
    I am sure you will come up with some thing very nice and unusual ... :D. you are just like me , I can guess you something planning carefully.... ! right?
    thanks buddy. Will wait for your entry.

    but it is true, right? thanks dear ! hope this time your entry will reach straight to me :) .
    take care

    what a lovely person you are ! I can imagine you somewhere lost in those golden memories.... Have fun . thanks

  12. Asha,
    Apart from everythig you said, i know perfectly that you must be having some clear idea about what your hubby loves the most, don't you?
    Will wait to see ehat you come up with. thanks dear. Just posted comment on your wednesday post. :)

    thanks . It feels so nice to see you around here everytime. thanks i really mean it.

    I am glad that you liked it. Hope you too will enjoy it. Tomorrow I am going to Post something for LCIK theme. thanks.

  13. Coffee,
    that's nice to now about both of you ! s perfect romatic couple , huh ? :P . I am also eager to see what you come up with , thanks dear !

    Gattina ,
    I also felt so. as time passes we get new resposibilities and forget to express how much we love each other, thats not case wiht me yet, as we are only 2 yet. but I have seen people forget to express this valuable matter to eachother.

    I can't really wait to see your entry Gattina. i had some problem with my internet since last few days, I think i must have missed many good post of yours, let me go stright to your blog now. thanks dear . it feels good to have you around.

  14. Hey Ben....everyday is a Valentine's Day for me...~grin~...I am always cooking for Jyostna will full heart and hopelessly in love...what more do you want..~soft smile~...I will see what I can do for the theme....great idea...take care ben...

  15. i take offence with ''the way to man’s heart is through his stomach'
    The way to a woman's heart is also through her stomach. That how I got to my wife to agree to marry me.
    But nice theme. and i'm gonna try hard and come up with something that bowls all you ladies over.

  16. Nice theme you've chose, Poo! Don't know if I can participate coz these days, my cooking is almost come to a standstill, thank to my mil! :)
    But I'll be looking out for the round-up!

  17. Nice theme you've chose, Poo! Don't know if I can participate coz these days, my cooking is almost come to a standstill, thank to my mil! :)
    But I'll be looking out for the round-up!

  18. Dilipbhai,
    So nice you are ! Jyotsnaben must be lucky to have a person like you in her life , and that is also the one who cooks ! great . I will wait for your entry dilipbhai, that is going to shine like a star among all us ladies entries. :)
    you seems to be a clever guy ! :) . you make your wife say yes by filling her hear t with good aromas ! such a sharp idea. I agree, it is true for thr ladies too . I think anyone on this earth love the good food. :D. women are no exception.
    It will be really great to have your entries among all of us. I also wish you to come up with something new, such that all of us can feel inspired by :). Will wait for your entry and, if possible do share with all of us, how you make your wife agree to marry you , i just ask this to you as that experience is related to food. It will be joy to share such ideas and bringback those memories.
    thank you Jacob. I am glad to see you here again.

    this is great ! you are not cooking this days , and mil is there to cook for all of you , so nice of your mil. :) . well, thanks for dropping by . Did you take up the meme i tagged you for ?

  19. OOOH!!!what a lovely theme Pooja..definitely count me in!

  20. oye pooja, i got confused when i clicked ur link in my blog:) u have changed ur template and that too PINK:) girl u love stuck gal:) so howz ur v-day prep going on? hope u r having good time:)

  21. Hey pooja,i was suprised today to see a new template,its cool my gal,,..
    So, i thinkyou started you preparations for V'day.....from the template...ahhha.....

  22. Vini,
    its nice of you . I am eager to see what you come up with. thanks dear, was missing your entries since last few weeks.
    take care.

    yupe, I just chaged the template as I wanted to do it once I switched to new blogger. for this week I thought to change the color of it too ... Preparations.... well, i should say till now havent finalized anything , but will surely do something nice . :D. You too are just like me, whats your secret plan, huh ?

  23. Very Romantic theme Pooja! I have my entry ready for it, Will post it on Monday for sure.
    Thanks, Nidhi.

  24. oh la laa.... romantic theme indeed... well what does my husband like !!!Pickle pickle and more pickle :(

  25. Nidhi,
    thank you nidhi. Will wait for your entry . these days yu are really kiliing me wiht the pictures fo your cakes...

    Pickle will also be a good entry I think . you can present anything here. thank God you didnt miss to look my post this time. :)
    Stay in touch.

  26. Pink in the Air and on the blog too

  27. hi pooja i have updated my blog


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