Thursday, February 1, 2007

Switched to new Blogger !

Hi all ,
Just switched to new version of Bloger ,which is beta no longer ! It's their professional version now. It is not allowing me to login with my old id, and thus I switched to this now !
I heard that there is somple problem with blogger , and someimes it shows comment as anonymous( I hope they might have recovered this problem , as they are switching to professional version from beta) though not sure , so my kind request to you all to put your name after leaving comment here. Uptil now I am not able to see my blog , just by writing URL in the explorer,so no post for today ,will try and check it if works fine tomorrow.

I hope atleast this post will appear when my blog start working. the only way i can see my blog right now is by checking my template an watching its preview, I hope they will solve the problem by some time , so that I can appear here with my post and your entries. Dont know whether this will be hown or not, as when I try publishing this , it shows the same error. If it appears fine to you then , in the mean time check my Entry for JFI- Ginger Here.

I created a new blog to participate in lovely events around here,this idea is totally inspired by Asha. thank you Asha, your inspiration is not limited upto cooking food now :).
See you all tomorrow. Till then take care and have a nice day .


  1. Pooja, did you change the background to white as well? I like it, can see the dishes more clear! Thanks for tagging me, will let you know once I'm done. Have a great weekend!

  2. I was sick of blogger when I was hosting here first..... I got so frustrated with the problems it was giving I almost decided not to blog!!!!!! It used to take me an hour to upload 1 pic and in the end it woudld still be distorted!!!!! not to mention the problem about commenting on it!!!! PHEW!!!!
    Thatnk god I shifted to wordpress and life so much simpler now!!! :)
    I had to copy paste each and every post and comment but it was worth every effort!!! :) Try that if you want to for your other blog. Life is much simpler and hassel free on wordpress.

    One drawback is that you cannot mingle around with your template like you can do in blogger.... they give you the option to change things within their limits.

    The best thing is that you need not go to every blog to check if its updated or no. If you just keep your cursor on the link you will see a small window open up which shows you the snip of that bloggers latest post. So you know without going to each blog which is updated and which is not...... PHEW!!!! Sorry for such a long comment but I am absolute pro wordpress now :)

  3. OH!!! I cannot comment over there :( It does not allow anonymous comments :(

    But the amla ginger combo is fantastic :)

  4. Dear Gattina,
    I chaged this background to while a little ago. I also feel that it gives a more clear view. take up the tag anytime you wish, just at your convenience.

    Coffee ,
    Sometimes I felt that blogger is creating problems, you are true! i hava an ccont i nwordpress as well with the same name, but somehow i am not able to recover by which username i started it , so stucked there.... :))
    thanks for your words, its really useful.
    Comment moderation has been changed on other blog now.
    have fun


  5. Hi Pooja,you are welcome and I am glad there will be second one to enjoy the recipes!:))
    I don't see my Matar thingie here but I haven't checked your other one.I will do that!:))

  6. Now I know why my few comments on other blogs also were shown as comment by anonymous


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...