Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New year and Meme of 3 things!

Wishing a very Peaceful and bright new year to all of you.

H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!

Here are some pictures Hubby tried to capture between 12 to 1 y'day night ,from our bedroom terrace .

I am Tagged !!!
Dear buddies Trupti and Asha tagged me for Meme fo 3 things ! .Thanks Asha and Trupti for tagging me!I enjoyed doing it.
A great thank from me to who so ever has started this Meme of 3 things, because it really bring back so many memories of mine,those old day of schooling , when I used to write a lot much literature of my own just to pen down my thoughts, those days of college when I used to write poem of just to keep it to myself. And that function when I realized that I can sing too! After that my professional life as a lecturer, that was also a nice time to treasure. Let me get some time to buff up myself again….:)
I don’t think I have shared this much of my own things to anyone else other than my family members till date.
Here I go ….

Three things that scare me:1. Just the idea of being away from my loved ones
2. Hubby getting some health problem
3. Thought of my near ones in some problematic situation.

Three People who make me Laugh:1. My Hubby ( specially when he narrates some incidents in his own style )
2. My Sisters , when we 3 get together we have lot of fun together even today , so much that everybody else complains that why can’t you all be silent for a single moment.
3. Rajpal Yadav (In all his comedy Movies)

Three things I love:
1. Henna Designing
2. Photography
3. Driving (only 4 Wheelers that too on good road ,probably in Gandhinagar. I don’t know even how to Drive 2 wheelers and don’t have even licence for 2 Wheelers :)), Isn’t it funny, when you are in India! )

Three things I hate:1. Negative thinking.
2. Pessimistic people - who do not believe in their selves. (Coz personally I Feel that if you have any dream, the power to accomplish it is also within you! I just don’t like when people think I can’t do this and that just without any apparent reason. )
3. The Pollution Around here in Pune. (Thank God that Our home here is little away from those crowded and polluted areas. :)), hubby booked this before our marriage, and he is a wise guy, indeed! :D . )

Three things I don’t understand:
1. The chirping sound of little babies,though I never can understand it, I find it the most beautiful sound on this earth.
2. When my software stuck up somewhere without showing any error: (.
3. Why all the rich people do not do at least something for needy people. ?

Three things on my desk:1. My Laptop
2. So Many different kind of Books Around along with my dairy with its open page of “ to do” list…. (I don’t Understand, I place all these books on the shelf above this table daily, how come these many come down within a day! : )) )
3. My Digital Camera ( always ready to catch the moments of life :)) )

Three things I am doing right now:
1. Typing this Meme
2. What should I prepare some breakfast for today now.
3. Thinking that why maid has not shown up yet, is she on new year break ? :P .and thinking that I have become so dependent on her for doing all the household chores that I think it is going be little hard in initial days at U.S of A. :)) .

Three things I want to do before I die:1. See all my loved one happy and healthy.
2. Accomplish mine and Deepak’s dream of our carrier achievement and helping needy people
3. Visit around the world with Deepak and I really wish that way I can meet all my blogger friends’ at least once in my life.

Three things I can do:
1. Cook ( I didn’t realize that I can also cook until I have my own responsibly of cooking when my parents visited my sister’s place – it was before my marriage. Then I slowly realized from the feed back from my neighbor auntie that I cook very well and innovatively , I can say she was the first one to inspire me for cooking .)
2. Teach (good old days! - When I was a lecturer in Master’s before my Marriage and was always surrounded by students, still they are in contact with me. )
3. Sing – I almost forgot this, thanks to this Me Me. It reminded me that I can sing too! Sang once in my college annual function too :).

Three things you should listen to :1. Intuitions . (They says Cancerian’s Intuitions are very powerful: D, well I believe it too ! )
2. Little child complaining in their own words for their little matters…
3. Someone seeking your advise…

Three things you should never listen to :
1. People who likes to show off ( from bottom of my hear I just hate them … )
2. When some one criticize others( which right do you have to do so ! )
3. Those non sense matter , which people has spread on the name of religion and casts. ( I just hate it when some people try to judge others based on their religion or cast… )

Three things I would like to learn:
1. To say ‘No’ to people I don’t want to listen to.
2. How to present my thoughts without getting annoyed when I am not in good mood.
3. To remember always – “Do not give Explanation for yourself”, Coz My friends do not need it and my enemies will not believe it. Just keep calm and be happy… :)

Three favorite foods :
1. Chocolates
2. Maxican
3. Almost all veg Indian Dishes

Three beverages I drink regularly :
1. Water
2. Coffee
3. Fresh Juice(Either Orange or Pineapple )

Three TV shows/books I read as a child:First let me tell you about TV shows
1. Tom and Jerry ,Ducktales ,Danasoor and Potli Baba ki.. (all my most loved animated series, I still love watching these)
2. Ramayan and then Mahabharta ( I remember, was so fascinated that time with those battle scenes of this epics )
3. Udaan (the lady in the central role in this series was my ideal that time, I might have forgotten this, but after reading Trupti’s meme it reminded me of this ,thanks Trupti )

I was much into high level Gujarati reading , still I Love to but got not much time and option around here to steal a look to the prosperous world of “Gujarati Sahitya”.
1. Bharelo Agni By R.V. Desai ( one of the most renowned writer in Gujarati world,read it when I was 10 years or so, I think… )
2. Poems of Kalapi(started taking interest in poems too when I read one from Kalapi in out text book, and I just love all of His till date. One more thing that come to my mind that People said I am also good at poetry, I wrote some in Gujarati, Hindi and English and had a small fan club of mine when I was in hostel while completing my engineering. :), this Meme had really brought back some good old days memory of my life. )
3 .Adventures of Tom Sawyer and so many other books I don’t remember title of. (This is what I read as a real little age child, don’t remember t even , may be I was 6-7 years that time. )

Three blog buddies I am going to tag :
1. Viji of Vcuisine
2. Priya of Akshayapaatram
3. Priya of Sugar&spices

and one keeping pending for my dear buddy Supriya as soon as she come back to her blog…
(I just hope that they are not already tagged ! :)) , thought of tagging Seema, and just found that she is already tagged by Vini ! :) , so thought to Post this Meme ASAP before all my blog buddies are tagged :)) ) .
Just withing few hours from now going to post recipe Of Tomato as Vegetable of the week. Also waiting for all your delicious entries... If you have already or planning for participating then just drop an email to me at . Stay tuned, and have nice year ahead:) .


  1. Hi Pooja, you have a nice greeting there! Happy New Year! I also liked how you listed "friends who ask you for advice" under 'Three Things to Listen To' - very nice.

  2. Nice one there Pooja :) Enjoyed reading it :)

  3. Hi Pooja,
    This is Suma from Veggie Platter
    First of all, I wish you a Happy New Year. Recently, I came across your blog. I thought the idea of the vegetable of the week is interesting and I would like to submit my recipe for Tomato Pachchadi for this week.

  4. Hi Pooja, so nice to read some more about you!! You might want to check the number 1 on things I don't understand part though...a tiny mistake. :)

    I love to read Gujarati books too! I still read favorite is "Saat Pagla akashma..." by k.Kapadia.
    I'll send you a tomato recipe later in the week...haven't been cooking much lately! (heheh)

    Lots of luck for 2007 and lots of

  5. Poojaben, great to read your Meme. Always wonderful to know about people we come across in our daily lives. You are a delightful lady dear ben...keep that smile going best wishes to the family..take care

  6. Hi Sra,
    glad to meet someone who likes the way i think :). thanks Sra. I think its your first time dropping a comment to this blog. Welcome to my world...
    stay tuned.

  7. Hi Rooma or should i call you coffee!!! , thanks for dropping by. I also had such funt reading your Meme. I feel nice to know more about you.

  8. Sumitha,
    nice to see you here again, a very happy and healthy new year to you too !
    Suma, thanks for paticipating, i have little problem, i cant find the link to post comment to your blog, can you help me out for that? or you have removed hat code from your blog.
    Tomato Pachchadi is nice. going to show it tomorrow . thanks for paricipating.

  9. Dear Trupti,
    its so nice to seeyou around always. you know you reminded me with lot many things of my old days, even i love that story of Saat pagla Aakash Ma. ek serial pan chalu thai hati gujarati network par, e pan bahu j saras rite directed hati. hu ek pan episod miss nahoti karti... :D , if u remember Rigini was in the central role of that. i was in 7th standard that time. nice choice you have for gujarati readings.. thanks for you suggestion , actually it was little confused statement , now I correct it.
    Wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year.

  10. Dilipbhai
    I have been eagerly waiting to see your Meme, you must be knowing that Vini has tagged you !
    thanks for your nice words.It feels nice to have some elderly person around...

  11. Hey, I've commented quite a few times, just setting the record straight :)

  12. Pooja, though we knew each other, it is always nice to read the interests and other stuff about our dear ones. Good write up. Thanks for tagging me. you can see my memes now. Viji

  13. New Year Wishes to the both of you!!!

  14. hi Sra,
    thanks for reminding me that. i will keep you in my mind now. going to add you to my buddy's list. :)

    thanks. i am now goin to read yours. take care

    Mehak: thank you and same to you .

  15. Hi Pooja,enjoyed reading your meme.good that you still have contact with your students.Seems like I have some things in common with you too!I have 2 sisters(that makes 3 of us) and my hubby is a cancerian too.:)

  16. Vini:
    Hi dear , its nice to know this similarity of us. well, since I am cancerian , i think , you and me will share a goos rapport together.( I assume that you have good rapport with your hubby.. . :) ) .

  17. Pooja:
    I am so sorry, I guess i missed out reading your meme. Better late than never isn't it. Loved reading it all lady!!! and good to know that you used to teach and still have contact with your kids. I have changed my career and have started teaching as well. Love it so far. But i teach small kids. You are talented too girl- you can even sing on stage oh boy!!and going around the world with your hubby , that is one thing that we want to do too and it would be wonderful to meet all the blogger buddies.

  18. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year Pooja!

  19. Thanks Chandrika,
    Welcome to my blog !


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