Friday, December 8, 2006

Fourthday Entries for Okra-Vegetable of the Week

Trupti reached first to me today , with her elegant entry of Okra, for which she gave even a nice name -“ Bhinda Ravaiya “.
She posted it few days back , you can check the whole recipe here. Thank you trupti for being there and posting this even when you are stucked in heavy snow fall and busy doing cleanig and allstuffs for that.

Second isSeema , who is participating here for the first time with her delicious recipe of Okra Khurma. What a nice recipe with Okra. I liked it very much Seema, I think for next 1-2 weeks still okra will be actively cooked in my kitchen to try all these tasty recipes from all of you. :) .

Next is from Usha , all the way from jersey city, she emailed me recipe for "Ladies finger Moor Koozhambhu" , and picture too …
Here it is in her own words for all of us. :
Thick butter milk-1/2litre
Tumeric powder-1tsp
Salt- as per taste
Okra-1cup (chopin 1-2cms length)
For grinding:
Raw rice-1tsp
Ginger-a bit
Green chilly-2
For Seasioning:
Mustard seeds
broken urad dhal
Curry leaves
Dried red chilly-1
First grind the things given in the list,mix it with buttermilk.
Add salt and tumeric to the buttermilk.
Now add oil to the pan,seasion the ingredients and add buttermilk.
Keep in low flame, on the other side fry okra in seperate pan with little salt.
Fry till it is cooked 80%,then add to the broth.When the broth is above to raise,off the stove and garnish with corriander leaves.
(Information: instead of okra you can also add urad dhal vada in koozhambhu).

Thank you Usha for Sharing this with us. : )

Last but of course not the least, let us welcome a new entry from a new buddy !
A passionate cook - Rinku . She presend a totally new form of preparing okra here . She prepared “ “Green and crisp –Comfort Bhindi “ A nice Spicy Batter Fried Bhindi and that too with with a Lime-Tomato chutney. :P .
A warm welcome to Rinku. Thank you for your timely participation and efforts you took to publish this recipe.


  1. Nice round up Pooja! Your dish looks so delicious.Wish I could get some fresh Okras though.

  2. Hi Pooja,wow,so many dishes with okra!good..I can refer to your blog anytime I get okra now.Thanks for being such a darling hostess dear..

  3. nice round up Poojaa

  4. Pooja, all entries were so good. Was missed for the last 2 days due to hectic schedule. Very nice. Have a good day. Viji

  5. thank you Asha , even I had so mny dished with okr to try next.

    Vini, sure you can visit here anytime ... you are most welcom dear !

    thanl you Laxmi , I have got your email . thanks for your suggestions too.

    Viji, thanks for being round even with your hectic schedule . :)

    bunch of thanks to ll of you.


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