Friday, November 17, 2006

Vegetable of the week is - Sooran(Yam).

Something to switch over from our daily routine and posting, I have decided to make each week specialized with any special chosen vegetable or fruit. For which i would even like to get suggestions and recipe from my dear blog buddies too .
You can leave me comment or email me your recipes(along with pictures if u have any) at
I would love to include your words and recipes here. Or suggestion for choosing a special vegetable for any week are also welcome.
By the week I mean from this weekend to next friday- except sunday :) , so this way I will be celebrating special weeks with you buddies.
Vegetable of the week is - Sooran(yam).For this week I ll be Posting different Yam(Sooran) recipes here.


  1. You can even showcase YAM. Check out Kalyn's blog for details
    ANy vegetable, herb can be used, which must be the main ingredient.

  2. Wonderful idea but I don't think I get that Suran here Pooja. I also think in US yams are sweet potatoes?I am not sure.I will wait for your next veg, so I can try and participate:))

  3. dear Pooja,
    you have a wonderful collection of vegetables and recipes,you can send it across to WHB of Kalyn as Nandita has said.this time she is hosting the event .Its apleasure coming here.
    hugs and smile

  4. hey!!!
    this is the first time i am reading your blog too and i like it a lot especially the photos .
    i havent read the blog as yet will be doing so first thing tommorow
    thanks for visiting my blog

  5. Hi Pooja,

    This is first time,visitng your blog...Wonderful idea, but i don't get yam in my place,let me participate in next veg..

    Orelse i would have submitted my yam.fry...Oh i missed....

  6. Hi

    Nandita : Thanks for information. : )

    Asha : I would love to get any suggestions from you about next veg of the week .

    Mantu : Thanks for dropping by here. I am surely gonna send this one to Kalyn’s WHB to nandita. : ) . Thanks for your nice words , its such an encouragement for me . : ) .Stay tuned.

    Mahek : Nice to see you here , and thanks for complementing . will be visitng your blog in future too. Keep Blogging :)

    Usha : would you like to suggest some veg for next week? I would love to do it by keeping you all by my side. This not that I am alone doing so, as it was the first time, I choose this veg it on my own, as I think it will be something new to experiment with nutritious Yam. :) . still I would love if u wish to submit the recipe of yam fry. Thanks for dropping by .Stay tuned


  7. Yam was a dreaded veggie for me as it used to make my hands itch. Does it do that to you? I like the weekly veggie theme. Good work. And regarding your question about adding me to your blog roll- Oh yeah, absolutely!!!

  8. hi gini,
    it is itchy for me for the time when we peel it off. while i cut it, it was not itchy. i think it is nature ot yam .
    thanks for appreciating my idea . :) actually this was suggested by hubby dear.
    Thanks for dropping by.
    Stay tuned :)

  9. Good choice..i guess i should be getting fresh yams here...till now i was using frozen one..will try to participate...

  10. ooops..sorry..didn't notice the here straight from a link...

  11. I have always wanted to try a yam. Nice blog :)


Thank you for taking out your time to check out this blog . I appreciate the time you took out to pen down your opinion about my work here.
Keep posting and stay tuned :)...