Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gujarati Kadhi

What I miss the most in this cool days ? Those days when I was able to enjoy hot served food by mom on dining table , and absolutely , I didn't have to do anything at all, other than enjoying delicious meals. :D . Gone are those days, but by Mom's grace I am able to make those dishes on my own today, and well 24/7 helpline is there :) so I can call her anytime when I am stucked with any recipe :).
Making kadhi is fun for me, as I like it very much, just the idea of having kadhi as part of my meal makes me happy, so preparing it anytime is no trouble for me :)

2 Cups little Sour Curd ,
4 tsp Besan ,
1 1/2 teaspoon Ginger-Garlic paste ,
2 Green Chillies, finely chopped ,
1/2 tablespoon Ghee,
1 teaspoon cumin seeds,
7-8 fresh curry leaves.
salt to taste ,
a pinch of Asafoetida ,
a pinch of Turmeric Powder(optional , I haven't used it for making kadhi).
coriander leaves to garnish

Beat the curd and add two cups of water. Add the besan and mix them well with a hand blender, make mixute such that it will not have any lumps there.
Take a kadhai or thick bottomed saucepan. Heat the ghee in it and crackle the cumin seeds add curry leaves also. Next add chopped green chillies and ginger garlic paste. Pour in the curd mixture,boil the curd mixture on slow heat and stir constinuosly. Add salt and sugar as per taste , and remove from heat when it starts boiling.Sprinkle coriander on top and serve hot.
It tastes best when accompanied with any kind of rice , pulao or Khichadi.
I had it with Jeera rice accompanied with fresh vegetable salad .

There are many different ways by which we can make kadhi. It can be made by adding jaggary in place of sugar. It also can be made without adding sugar or jaggary at all. I normally do not use turmeric powder to make kadhi this way.

When I make it without sugar and little spicier I add turmeric powder to it. I also add 1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder to it when I make it that way, but its a totally different way to make kadhi , and also final taste of it is different totally.

What I found after I came here in Pune , that It is very popular to serve spicy kadhi with pakora . That is also the other way kadhi can be prepared and used. Some other time I will also add those recipes…. Till then stay Tuned…and Happy blogging. :)


  1. you Kadhi looks so good! I also have many different ways of making Kadhi. I also have this "Kadhi Masala" which I use once in a while to give it a diff. flavor...


  2. Guess what, Pooja?:)) I just made some Kadhi too.Surprised to see your's, pleasantly ofcourse.

    Looks delicious, great pics too.

  3. hey pooja,
    just few days bk i asked trupti to post some khadi recipes and oh boy, i'm glad to see it in ur blog...
    will look forward to ur spicy khadi with pakoras...
    happy blogging

  4. Hi
    Trupti : its so nice to know that your choices resembles to me so many ways. someday i would like tomeet u in real and i think we will have endless chitchats on our diffways of recipes :). thanks buddy!
    Asha: do u make kadhi the same way I did? you know what? I am feeling like there is something like matching frequency to each other up to some level :) within our blog buddies... :D . when i made cabbage curry at home , i saw the one Indira's mahanandi :) too. Thanks for your nice words. have a great day.
    Supriya:i will post kadhi with pakora too in near by future for curd lovers like u and me :) . when in cold days it is not advisible to eat chilled curd, i adapt this way to have it in my meal.:) .thanks !
    Hey supriya, i have some query. i have got everything u listed to make baby corn manturian , but when i read your method to make it i find no use of maida over there, so i was confused ti start making it. would you please clarify where to use maida?

  5. hi pooja,
    i love gujju dishes,since iam from ahm:). your kadhi looks yummy.

  6. Hi sri,
    nice to know that you are from ahmedabad, my parent's home is in gandhinagar.
    thanks for your words here.
    Stay tuned

  7. Hi!!
    Nice blog with very good pics.
    Thanks for dropping by my site.
    Rgding Bhendi raita : The okra doesn't go sticky with the curd if u fry them properly.If u r more worried abt it then better u add more oil for frying. Hope it helps u.
    Good day!

  8. Hi Pooja! Thanks for stopping by, you have a nice blog yourself. I'm just two months old at blogging, plenty catching up to do!

  9. Hi
    Bhargavi : thanks fo info. :) Stay tuned ...

    Sra: It's my pleasure buddy! keepa blogging !


  10. Hi you doing

    Thanks for passing by my blog...

    I love Kadhi (with khichdi), its one of those comfort food dishes for me...I am no good at making kadhi though...Jyostna does it for me...I will try yours, maybe it will work for me...~grin~...

    You have lovely recipes on the blog...I will add you to my blogroll..

    Thanks again...happy cooking...

  11. hi Dilipbhai,
    Thanks for your nice words here and adding mee to your blog roll.
    Stay tuned.


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Keep posting and stay tuned :)...