Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Entries for the third day for Spinach & fenugreek

Dear friend Swapna was just little late for the entry of yesterday and so she is here with the first entry I got for today. She prepared Palak Paratha , to share with us:) . I find this idea so original, that I think almost everyone would try it once. At least I am surely gonna try it Swapna. Thanks for sharing this yummy Paratha recipe with us.
Swapna -

From her normal routine to keep on spreading the whirl of aroma everywhere, Vini has taken a halt here to show us how to make tasty Palakoora-aava-pulusu. . Hey Vini, I have never come across any such recipe. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Adorable Asha is here again to make our mouth watering. Here she presented a quick and healthy recipe with Spinach. For me ingredients of this Dal Palak recipe was enough to prompt me to make it as earliest as possible. So nice of you Asha, to make it on time for this vegetable of the week event. Thank you dear friend!

Usha, my recent blog buddy , has presented here fenugreek leaves with mung dal .
Thanks Usha for adding one more variety to my list. : ) . I remember that You and Asha were the only two initially to show your willingness in participating to my idea of vegetable of the vegetable, though i have got many blog buddies with me for celebrating this idea, i haven't forgotten you. Many Thanks to both of you. : )

And the final entry for today I got is from Revathi who also made fenugreek with dal .
A slight variant from the one of Usha’s . But still not to be forgotten. : ) thank you Revathi for being a part of this idea.
So many options of dal with methi and palak is possible! I came to know all these varieties of dals, with these two leafy vegetables, only after I got all your entries with different dals with Spinach and fenugreek.

Thank you all for your timely effort and publishing for this.The most important of all is to be with me in this idea of vegetable of the week. I really find myself out of words to express your efforts and appreciations.
I would like to remind you all that you can send me your ideas about choosing vegetable for coming weeks. I would love to choose it by being with you. : ) .


  1. Hai pooja
    thanks for showing my recipe in ur blog.
    nice to see so many recipes with palak at a time.
    shall we keep Beetroot as the veg.for the coming week?because i want know the recipes with it.:-)i know only fry and to do with masala......thats why...what u say?


  2. I put a post of you - check it out

  3. Hi Pooja,

    Thank you posting the receipe link in your site.I have gone through your thanks letter.OH what to say, this reflect your friendlyness.

    Sure will be supportive and encourage your idea.

  4. Hi
    Swapna : it is natural for me to post your recipe when u took so maucheffort to make and publish it. About next week’s veggie, let me check out how amny different suggestions are there to come. Also I need to check if I will get fresh beetroot here or not. your suggestion is really nice, that way we all will come to see different variety of it. If not this time then for any other week I will try to make Beet root as veg of the week.
    Thank you for your suggestion.

    Revathi: Lady with nice Name , thank you for your nice post with heart taking words for this blog. : ) . I think I am still in much initial stage , a long way to go still.
    You know what , yester only, I saw this blog to one of my old friend , and she could not believe that I can make this all. She was not even ready to think that I can be a good cook any day : D . Credit for all these goes to all of you too. For being there always.
    Thank you Revathi.

    Usha : why would I not like to be your friend , when you are so nice to me ? it is my duty to publish your recipe here, nothing more than that. You deserve many thanks for taking effort to publish it.
    Thanks buddy!


  5. Hi Pooja,your idea is really good.I was racking my brains as to what to make when I read about your veggie of the week event.I finally came up with one.I would agree with swapna on the beetroot theme,coz I have beetroot with me right now,and can't,cor the world of me,think what to do with it except salad or a fry..anyway,see if you can do beetroot.If not this time,any other time as you said.Great work,dear.You have now put back in me the interest to cook and eat(I lost my interest in cooking due to my extremely picky 3yr old daughter Ananya)



  6. Pooja,I have a small doubt about reducing pixel size of photos.How can I do that using adobe photoshop starter?I remember doing it before,but somehow I have forgotten how I did this.Can you help?Thanks a lot.

  7. Dear Vini,
    I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager to resize or cut my picture. it is very easy to use, if u have that try it, and if any problem is there still then ask me for that. A long time ago i used Adobe photoshop to reduce picture's actual size but with that too it was not hard, as far as i remember i just specified how much size of pixel i need to resize my picture to. but i dont remeber that menu name for that now .Poor memory of mine :( ! do let me know if i can help you any further with this. right now i dont have Photoshop on my laptop, so its hard for me to find anything helpful to you .
    If you have Microsoft Office Picture Manager then do let me know, i will surely help you with that.


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